Chapter 60

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I listened to this song while writing :)

James Bay - Let it go

The rest of the playlist will be at the end xx


I got off the elevator and I couldn't believe I had actually driven all the way to this hotel just to see her.

When Paul pitched up with my awards as he usually stays in my guest room if they're touring in my town. I asked him about her. I couldn't hide it, I wanted to know how she was even though she had hurt me regarding what she said. It was all my fault for dumping her, if she only understood my reasons..

Sure it would've been easier for her to hate me but the thought of her hating me didn't sit well with me. I didn't care if the world hated me but for some reason knowing she did would destroy me.

If I spoke to her everything would be fine.

I knocked on her door and I heard stumbling and then the door swung open I immediately began speaking.

"Kenz I..." but as I looked up I saw the last person I expected to see.

John fucking Cena was standing there in only his boxers rubbing his eyes still trying to register who was at the door.

That's when I saw McKenzie appear behind him from the room and she had a large shirt on and I realized it must've been his.

"Brock what are you..." I heard her soft voice.

My first instinct was to knock him out but I just couldn't. Normally I would beat someone up if they tried anything with her but here she was and I couldn't do anything. She had already moved on and with him, the golden boy of the WWE.

I stood there glancing between them and it fucking destroyed me.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me!"

I shook my head and turned around and immediately walked down the hallway.

"Brock! Brock!" I heard her voice but I couldn't even look at her.

"Brock please!" I felt her grip my arm and then saw her appear in front of me pleading me.

"You're fucking begging me to stay when you're wearing his fucking shirt cause you fucked him last night and now you are seriously standing in front of me wanting me to fucking stay?"

I chuckled angrily as my decision of leaving him without knocking him out was regretted as I clenched my fists.

"Brock , no you're not..."

"I don't know why I keep thinking differently. I came up here and... then his there. You are such a fucking hypocrite you go off on me for Charlotte when you're busy fucking HIM"

I pointed in the direction of the room and I instantly regretted mentioning Charlotte when I had only spoken to her that night for the first time. Paul had been talking to her before I got there and I figured I would just join in and when she asked for the picture I didn't think any of it through until we were done and I saw Paige glaring my way and I was confused until Paul showed me Kenz was there and I instantly recognized my hoody on her.

Beast Mode // Brock Lesnar *COMPLETE *Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora