Chapter 34

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My brother walked out of the kitchen with a beer as I sat down on the couch.

"Did I wake you?" he asked as he kissed my cheek and hugged me joining me on the couch.

"Yeah" I smiled.

"Sorry I just have so much shit to do today I wont even see daylight once I leave here"

"How come? Its Sunday...." I raised an eyebrow and he sighed.

"I have a couple of photoshoots "

"WHAT! But you're injured!"

I wasn't exactly communicating with anyone as Brock had my undivided attention so I didn't know how his surgery had gone.

"Yeah so now I'll be sitting at home while you're travelling, I don't mind the photoshoots besides the location in the city gave me an excuse to drive down and see you" he rolled his eyes.

"Im glad you are so happy about that" I punched his arm.

"What the fuck is that?" he pointed to the bruise on my arm and I was lucky I never wore shorts as Brock was really rough when he wanted me.

"From training.." he nodded and seemed relieved.
"Look I didn't come here for me, I came here for you..." I raised an eyebrow. "when you called me last week I didn't like how you sounded at all.."

I sighed.

"Seth I don't really feel like..." I didn't want him talking about it since Brock was in the other room and the last thing I wanted him to hear was this.

"I know sis, but you have to talk about it some time especially since you haven't been to a therapy session since February..."

Well it was too late with my brothers loud voice there's no point in trying to stop him.

"I told you last year when you got me one I don't need it and I still don't! Yes the fucking nightmares wont stop but its fine I have to live with it and I'm sorry I fucking called!"

I didn't mean to snap but I hated that he wanted me to sit in a fucking room and tell some stranger about my feelings.

I stood up and was about to go to my bedroom when I recalled who was there and instead I leaned back against the wall next to the door.

Seth walked towards me.

"Look the last thing I want to do is upset you and you know that! I just hate that because of that sick bastard you are scarred for life... and now you're having flashes during the day!"

"It was only once at that hotel gym...Its my fault you said it yourself.." I whispered as the fight my brother had awhile back played in my head.

"You know I didn't mean that, I was just pissed and I felt guilty! How would you feel if every time you got home from travelling you found the person you care about most covered in fucking bruises and the one who did it is someone that she loves!" he wavered.

"Loved..." I whispered and he sighed.

"Sorry loved... look I wont force you to go back to the therapist I'm just concerned.." he pulled me into a hug. "maybe you should move in with me in Long Island..."

"Seth.." I pulled out of his grip and leaned against the back of the couch. "I'm 22, I'm old enough to take care of myself okay? Besides I'm going back on the road tomorrow so its fine. I can handle the nightmares"

I smiled, even though it was the flashes that were slowly coming back that was the problem. "Can we please drop it?"

He nodded, "I spoke to mom and dad the other day" I raised my eyebrow."they want us home for thanksgiving, they'll probably be calling you soon."

I rolled my eyes, "If I'm forced to go you have to as well"

"You know how they are! Hopefully we wont be home then... hows the girlfriend?" I decided to change the subject.

"She's fine" he took his beer from the table and stood in front of me. "Guess who was asking about you at one of the live events!"

"Who?" I sighed.

"John, he was complaining cause he had no one to have lunch with for the last two weeks well not no one but not you... please don't tell me you guys are fucking"
"No Seth we are not his just a friend, I think its time for your photoshoot" I smiled I loved him but he was just saying things that would anger Brock in the other room.
"As a matter of fact it is! Shame on you trying to get rid of me but I love you sis! And if you need to talk again just call" he kissed my forehead and with that he was gone.

I felt the lump in my throat rising and my eyes filling with tears as I recalled what he said about him feeling guilty. I hated that I did that to him.

I saw the bedroom door opening and Brock walked out in a trackpants, I looked down and wiped my tears.

"You..." I began but was stopped when he pulled me into a kiss and wrapped his arms around me. We stood like that for what seemed like forever and he then lifted my chin, "you don't have to..."

"I love you.." I said before I could stop myself and his eyes widened and I realized I said it out loud. I couldn't believe I just told him that.

"Kenz I er..."

"Forget that I said it, I'm sorry I.."

"You cant love someone you don't trust.." he whispered.

I didn't know what to say to him about that but I just nodded and looked away.
I had expected him to say that I couldn't love someone after a few months so his words threw me off.

"I didn't say that to hurt you, I just don't want you saying shit cause you're emotional and then you'll regret it cause you don't understand why you said it."

Which was Brock terms for I don't love you so just drop it please and we hadn't been together that long, I hated myself for saying it. I guess he was probably right about the whole being emotional thing as I didn't know why I said it, did I love him?

"Yeah I'm sorry so how much of that did you hear?" I decided to change the subject but not to a very good one though.

"Enough..."He rubbed my tear-stained cheeks.

I knew I couldn't tell him not that he would be interested we weren't in that type of relationship. He frowned but didn't question it further and brought his face to mine as he kissed me.

It was gentle at first but deepened instantly as I felt him grip my thighs gently and place me on the back of the couch.

His right hand rested on my thigh while the other tangled its fingers between my hair pulling me against him. I held onto his back as I pushed my body against him whilst wrapping my legs around him tightly which caused him to groan .

I felt his hand tug at my pants so I lifted myself a bit and allowed him to slip it off as I wrapped my legs around him once again.

I felt his hands between us and soon after I felt him push into me hard but he didn't move fast he slowly moved in and out as he broke the kiss and looked into my eyes and it felt like I was hypnotized by those blue orbs staring back at me.

There was something hidden behind that stare something that had been hidden for awhile that I could tell but didn't know.

Beast Mode // Brock Lesnar *COMPLETE *Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora