Chapter 99 PART 1

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"Aren't you suppose to be in another state as in on your way to Raw?" I asked Paige as she stood on my doorstep.

"Oh I would love nothing more but someone here is a fucking dick so I took the night off"

I saw Kane close his car door and I instantly knew I was going to get a fucking intervention.

"By dick I assume you are referring to the Demon?" I smiled and Kane glared at me as he followed Paige in and I rolled my eyes.

"To what do I owe this pleasure of finally getting you guys over to visit me! Its been awhile..."

"I wonder why Seth.." Kane spoke slowly and I sighed.

I knew they would pitch up sooner or later. I would've preferred later but they cared too fucking much.

I'm not saying I didn't miss my sister, I did.

There were reminders all over my fucking house I had a picture or pictures hung in every room, but she made it clear who meant more to her and after every fucking thing we went through together I was second to the fucking beast who broke her heart before just like every other fucking guy who I had warned her about.

"Guys I get you want to fix everything but you can't. She chose him, made it pretty clear actually that she loves him more than..."

"You're jealous aren't you?" Paige blurted out.

"WHAT? What is there to be jealous about?" I raised my eyebrow and she laughed.

"I can't believe I didn't see this sooner! You feel like his taking your place..."

"No.." Did I?

"She's right man, you have always been the only man in her life who didn't hurt her, who she would turn to with no hesitation, who came to her rescue each time... And now she has him for all that and he has done all that and you just can't accept it" Kane shrugged.

"You guys are fucking crazy I'm not jealous of that bastard! She is MY sister I just want what's best for her and the fact that people who claim to be her best friends don't see it, is actually sad"

" We don't see it because he is clearly what is best for her and deep down you know it"

I sighed.

"You know what to be honest I had thought that.. I slowly tried to come around the idea but then you know what happened?" I shook my head.

" I got a fucking call from my sister crying uncontrollably because the man she loved broke her heart and just like that he proved that he was no better than the others!" I stood up and walked into the kitchen.

"Seth that was months ago! She's engaged to him how does that not mean something to you?"
I heard Paige behind me as Kane and her followed.

"As far as I am concerned it is just a fucking way to trap her .."

"Are you fucking insane? What the hell is wrong with you man? Are you so wrapped up in yourself that you cannot see how happy she is with him or how much he loves her!"

"All of them claim to love her and then who is there to pick up the pieces after? Who? ME!!!" I hit my hand against my chest.

"You can't blame him for what everyone else did! They deceived you but Brock is a beast we all know that except with her he isn't.. Seth its killing her that you guys aren't speaking you need to.."

Paige pleaded but I didn't give in. She was fucking crazy if I was going to be stupid like all of them were.

"I don't need to do anything!" My voice boomed and she flinched a bit but being Paige she recovered.

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