Operation Crack the Yankee

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I wouldn't talk to Lucius. I wouldn't look Narcissa in the eye. I was ashamed, yet... My heart told me I had done the right thing. The Combination made me feel numb, and I would rather feel a small bit of happiness through an ocean of pain, than nothing at all. If I had taken the Combination the way I was suppose to, that's what I would have felt: empty. 

They tried to get me to talk to Healer Phillips, but I refused. I frantically wispered "No!" in Lucius's ear and squirmed on the couch, or repeatily ran to the door,wanting away. Around ten o'clock, he gave up and left, leaving Lucius and Narcissa alone with me again. They tried to talk with me, but I wouldn't let them. Instead, I changed into my pajamas, and just laid on my bed and cried some more, hugging Melvin and wishing I was back home. Wishing I had just taken the stupid Combination...

I don't know when, but I eventually fell asleep. When I woke back up, Narcissa and Lucius were both stil lthere, looking tired and both eating a scone. I lifted my head, sniffing. A big vial filled with a green liquid was sitting on the night stand. I knew what it was; my new Combination. Narcissa looked up at me.

"Goodmorning, Love. Would you like some breakfast." She picked another scone up off of a plate next toteh vial and offered it to me. I pushed it away, still eyeing hte Combinations. She sighed and put it down. "Well then, would you like to get up and stretch? You've been asleep for an awfully long time..." I shook my head no and laid back down. I didn't want anything. I didn't want to do anything. I just wanted to go home and lay in my bed, perhaps with Orion and Virgo. Not here, in the place I hate the most. Lucius stood up.

"Eleanor, I know what you're doing and it's not going to work. You may lay around after you take your new Combination." He picked up the vial and took the stopper out. A green haze lazily floated out of it. I covered my mouth with my hands: I wasn't taking it. He pushed it towards me. "Stop it, Eleanor. We are going to make sure you take it one way or another, so it will be easier to just please taking willingly." I shook my head no. He sighed. "I didn't want to do this Eleanor." He looked at Narcissa, who also sighed, then nodded. 

Before I could blink, they were at it. Narcissa held me down as she had a few monthes before, when she pinned me to the wall. Only, this time, she had me against the bed, on my back. She used her other hand to pry my mouth open, and in one fluid movement, put the end of the vial in my mouth. The contense hurried out, quickily filling my mouth. It was either swollow, or drown, and drowning sounded pretty good. Atleast I wouldn't have to deal with this. So, I just laid there... until I began coughing and choking. She instantly pulled herself off of me and covered her mouth. I rolled over and got on my hands and knees, trying to cough up the Combination that had gone down into my lungs.

When I finished, Lucius handed me a cup of water. I graciously drank, getting my breath back. Narcissa rubbed my back, but I pushed her hand away. She had just basically strangled me, I didn't want her touching me more. Lucius cleared his throat.

"That could have gone easier, you know? If you would just do what we ask."

"No." I mumbled. He shook his head. 

"We will see at lunch when you have to take your next one. And, by the way, you have another season with Healer Phillips before dinner, and I expect you to try to talk to him this time."

"No." I said again. I could see Lucius trying to hold back anger. Thinking quickly, Narcissa grabbed one of the scones off of the table again. She put it in my face.

"Here, baby. Just try to eat something."


Halfway through lunch, which I refused to eat, there was a knock on the door. I perked up a btit, wondering who it could be. Hopefully not Healer Phillips. 

Eleanor Snape- Book 5, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now