My First Attempt

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I continued to progress over the course of the next week. Of couse, the Manic Episode was starting to end, but I still wasn't as upset as I was before. Anxiety was working its way back in, but but when I did I either took a nap, or talked to someone about how  I was feeling. It wasn't always Healer Phillips, either. Sometimes I talked to Healer Fuchs, Lucius, or Draco. A few times I even talked to Chase by Flooing him at his home. As annoying as he seemed, he was a pretty good listener.

Healer Phillips and I began working on casting a Patronous as soon as my anxiety became noticible.

"Okay, have you seen anyone cast a Patronous before?" He asked. We were sitting under a big tree in the yard of St. Mungo's. As a treat for doing so well he had been allowing me to have Therapy outside. 

"Yeah, Uncle Severus tried to teach me once..." I trailed off. I didn't like thinking about that, because then it made the anxiety come back. 

"Would you like me to demonstrate for you?" He asked. I shook my head yes. It had been a long time since I had seen once cast. Plus, I didn't use magic that often, so my skills were very rusty. 

"Yes..." I looked down, feeling a little embarrassed. I was embarassed. I was nineteen now, and could barley do any magic. Father would not be please, or Uncle Severus. 

I shook the thought from my head, or tried to anyway. 

"Okay, but will you get your wand out, please? I want to do it step by step with you. But don't get upset if you can't do it. It takes practice. A Patrounus is a hard thing to do." 

"Okay." I replied. I just said it to say something back to him, because I knew I would be upset if I could'n't do it either way. As silly as it was, I knew that I probably wouldn't be able to do it now, but I would be hurt if I couldn't. I couldn't help it. 

"The first thing you have to do is think of the happiest memory you can think of. Can you do that?" 

"Yeah...I guess..." I closed my eyes and thought back to the summer before I started my seventh year. That had to be the best summer of my life. So much happened, inlcluding a lot of good things. 

I met Scabior that summer. I went to the beach. A few days after starting school Vincent proposed...

I concentrated on the beach. The beach was a good time, despite the sunburn, peeing on Vincent, and Sarah Beth and Gregory breaking up.Oh, and the fight Vincent and I had the last day before leaving. 

But there were good things, too. Kind of....

Maybe not things too great. The bad things on the trip out numbered the good...

Maybe I should think back before hand. Sixth year. 

No. Sixth year was even worse. Dumbledore was killed by Uncle Severus. And I spend all of my time wondering what Draco was up to, because The Dark Lord had assigned him an unknown to me mission. And that was also the year Father had disapeared, and that I watched my old house burn down...

Okay. Fifth year. Fifth year was a good year. That was when Vincent and I got together. That was also when I had my first happy christmas, and I did't get sick. 

Fifth year Christmas. I had forgotten how great it had been. Sitting in the clock tower with Vincent and Orion, eating sweets and watching the stars. I had fallen asleep beside him. IT was such a good night...

"Do you have your happy memory?" Healer Phillips interupted my thoughts. I shook my head yes. "Very good! Would you like to tell me what it is?"

"Fifth year Christmas." A small smile played on my face. 

Eleanor Snape- Book 5, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now