Not the Wanted Reaction

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A few weeks went by, and my mood ligthened up. I went to see Healer Kasigawa every two weeks. I was only about seven weeks or so, so I had only seen her twice. Both times she said I seemed healthy, but was still concerned about my famll frame. She wasn't sure how my body was going to take carrying a baby.

I wasn't showing yet, but Kasigawa said that she could feel swelling around my hips. That made sense. My pants had fit a little tighter than usual, making me feel very uncomfortable. I didn't like it when my close were tight. I like baggy, confortable clothes.

I still hadn't told my Grou[ about it. They would know soon enough when I started to get a baby bummp, but that's when I had decided to tell them. When IT was ovcious and I wouldn't have to. It still worried me about how they would react. 

That didn't stop me from going, though. I still went every other day like I was suppose to.

"I have an excersise for us to do today;" Healer Phillips informed. We were all sitting around the table. Even William, who was now back, although quieter and sadder than usual. "And it may have a very powerful effect. I'm warning all of you."

"What?" Chase asked. He was fiddling with some yarn he probably stole from Healer Fuchs.

"You'll see. And you can go first, along with Gilderoy."

"Well, what are we doing?"

"I want you to talk to Gilderoy and eveyrone else."

"Isn't that what we're doing, anyway?"

"Just do it."

"What do you want me to talk about?"


"Well, okay, then..." Chase turned to us. "So, um... How's the weather..." Now that we were being forced to talk, it seemed almost impossible ot have casual conversation.

"We don't know. We never go outside, Chase." William sounded bitter. I looked at the floor.

"Ellie goes outside!" Gilderoy happily exclaime.d He was the only one who didn't seem awkward. 

"Well, Ellle, what's it like outside?" Chase pushed. I looked up.

"Oh, um... It was warm earlier today. I took a walk with Virgo and Orion, ealier."

"What's that?" Chase asked.

"My dogs."

"You seem more like a cat person."

"Ew, no. I don't like cats. they make my nose itch."

"I like cats..." Jenna quietly said, the first time she had spoken since she entered the room. 

"I like both!" Gilderoy smiled.

"Okay." Healer Phillips stopped us. "Now, I want you to continue your conversation, but I want you to exclude Gilderoy."

"What do you mean?" Jenna looked up at him.

"I want all of you to completly ignore Gilderoy. Even if he talks, do all you can to ignore him."

"Isn't that mean?"

"It's jsut an excersise. I will explain to you why later." He smiled. We all wer quiet for a moment, then Chase leaned towards me.

"So... what kind of dogs do you have?"

"They're Lakelands. My friend Gregory gave the to us a puppies. He has a few dogs." I was going to leave it at that. They didn't need to know that Virgo used to be Vincents, or about Vincent at all. 

Eleanor Snape- Book 5, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now