I Anger the Group

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"What would you like for lunch, Elle?" Naricssa questioned. I had been home for about five minutes, and she was lready trying to make me comforatvle. Lucius had closed the Apothicary for today in honor of my returning home, so Draco and himself were home with me. At the moment, Draco and I were cuddled up on the sofa in the sitting room, while Lucius was in the kitchen with Narcissa. 

"I want a peanut butter sandwich and some apples..."I quietly replied, despite my happiness.

"What was that, Dear?"

"She wants a peanut butter sandwich and some apples slices." Draco loudly answered for me.

"Alright. What do you want, Draco?"

"I don't care. Anything." He replied, then all went silent. I cuddled into Draco and closed my eyes.

"Thank you..." I mumbled, and he put his arm around me. I was tired because this was usually when I took my nap: At Mungo's lunch was at 11:30, and I took my nap at 12:00. He put his arm around me, and I leaned into his chest. 

"No problem. I'm glad you decided to talk to your Healer. Dad said that you got a lot out that you needed to talk about."

"I'm not." I repelied. He sat up straighter, forcing me ot reposition. 

"Why? Don't you want to get better?"

"I told you, I don't like that Healers. I only like Healer Green, and he left me. And I don't like the Combinations."

"This one seems to be working really well though." He pointed out. I yawned.

"Yeah. I guess. But I only talkd to Phillips because he said if I did I could come home. If it were up to me, I wouldn't have talked to him. I don't want him to know that stuff. It's none of his business."

"I understand. They had me talk to them a couple times right after the battle."

"What?" I sat up. I knew he had been given Combinations to take, but I had no clue that had made him talk to a Healer, too. "I thought they just gave you and Gregory the Combinations and said go."

"Well, that's what they did to Gregory. Like I had said; they were affraid that he was dangerous because he's so big."

"the shouldn't assume that with out knowing him. I'm the smallest, but I'm the most dangerous..."

"You're not dangerous, Elle."

"Yes I am. I trained the snatchers. Why are they affraid of him and now me?"

"Dad said Healer Phillips trusts you, that's why he gave you your wand, because he knew that you weren't going to do anything bad with it."

"He put a limitation charm on it. I can't do anything bad with it."

"Those are easy to get around and you know it." Draco pointed out. "You're not trying to get around it because you are good. You just made a mistake. I made a mistake. So did Gregory and Vincent."

"Vincent got his Mark because of me..." I stated, swollowing. I wasn't going to cry: I had just gotten here.I couldn't cry. 

"Eleanor, don't blame yourself."

"You don't understand; He was the first person I told. He said he wanted one as well. If I hadn't of showed him-"

"And Lovell and Wyatt were Death Eaters, Elle. It would have happened anyway. It's not your fault. Nothing that happened was your fault."

"But it feels like my fault." I coughed. The tears were coming, I could feel it. I had to push them back.

"But it's not."

Eleanor Snape- Book 5, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now