A Promise to Healer Green

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I woke up to a scowlding from Narcissa about the night before. Word had spread about how terribly our Group had treated Healer Phillips, and how Chase, William, and I were the three ring leaders. She lectured me all through breakfast, then sent me off to take a shower. When I came back out, she was waiting with her wand in one hand, and a brush in the other. Some day clothes were laid on the bed, neatly folded. I scruntched my eyebrows.

"Ive decided that you are going to appologize to Healer Phillips, and you are gong to look nice when you do it. And you are going to give him this." She handed me a coin purse. It felt heavy. 


"It is to replace the wand you broken." She explained.

"I didn't break it! William did!"

"Even so, you are appologizing. What you did was terrible, and I'm embarrassed for you. You know better than that. You are appologizing."

"But I'm not sorry..."

"Eleanor, you are going to appologize, and you are going to make it sound sincere."

"But it won't be."

"Don't test me, Eleanor. Get dressed and I will fix your hair."


"I told you, you are going to look nice. get dressed." She said again, using a stern voice. I sighed, knowing that there was no way out of this. I reluctantly changed into my day clothes. When I was dressed, she sat me down on the bed and began brushing out my hair.

She used her wand to dry my hair by blowing hot stream of air from the end, and silently brushing it through. I hated it, and flinched with every stroke. When she finished, tiw as warm and fluffy. I crossed my arms and looked down. She put the brush away.

"There, now I am going to go with you to make sure that you appologize." She pulled on my arm, making me stand up.'"But what about Will and chase? They did stuff, too!"

"I am not responsible for William and chase. I am responsible for you, and I am making sure that you behave. I know you can." 

She began leading me down the hallway. I didn't resist physically, but I continued to verbally opose.

"You can't make me! I'm eightteen! I can do what ever I want! I'm an adult! I don't need you to tell me what to do!"

"Oh? You're an adult? If you don't need me, I guess  I"ll just go home." She let go.. I turned to her.

"And send Lucius?" I questioned. I really didn't want to see him becaue I was still angry at him.

"No. You're right. You're an adult and can handle youself. I can't make you do anything." She stepped back from me. My jaw dropped.

"Are you being serious?"

"Of coruse I am. Would I lie to you?"

"Well, you have before..." 

"I'm going home, Eleanor. You want me to leave, and I will." She shrugged, before stepping forward and kissing my forhead. "I'm going. Bye, dear." Then, she turned around and walked off. I didn't know what to think. I didn't snap out of it until I heard the sure pop of Apparation. I shook my head.

Well.... Good. Now I didn't have to appologize for something I wasn't sorry for. I didn't have to listen to her, because she wasn't there to make me do things I didn't want to do. But... something told me this wasn't a good thing. She had been gone for a minute, and my heart was already starting to ache. This was different from being in a different room with her. She wasn't here at all. As much as I hated to say it, I needed her to comfort me, even if I had to take the commands along with it...

Eleanor Snape- Book 5, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now