Our First Group Activity

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The party was on and camping out had been approved, as long as there was one Healer for every three patiens. Which meant that there had to be two, since there was five of us. That was fine, because the two Healers that stayed with us was Healer Phillips and Healer Fuchs. 

We stayed in the little yard that I had star gazed in with Gilderoy. Only now, it had two tents, a table full of cake and sweets, and a lots of blankets and pillows. There even was a telescope set out there, so I could look at the stars; something I hadn't done in a long time simply because between Therapy and Group Session and my 'bed time', I had not time to go out and look at the stars. 

We could basically do anything we wanted, under a few conditions. If we felt tired, we had to go to bed. Everyone was going to bed at midnight, no exceptions. Everyone had to take their Combinations when it was given to them: again, no exceptions.Girls and boys had to sleep in two seprate tents. And, finally, if any fights broke out, we would all have to go back inside. 

Healer Phillips made them wait to go out until I got there. When we finally went out, we started to eat the cake. I nibbled on a bit, because I didn't really like sweets.

"Do you feel okay, Miss Snape?" Healer Phillips asked, noticing that I wasn't eating very much at all. I shook my head.

"Yeah, I feel fine. I just don't like sweets very much."

"Oh, well, is there anything you would rather have instead?" He asked me. I thought for a moment.

"Um... can I have some fruit? Or some vegitables?" 

"Sure. What kind would you like?" 

"Um... some apples? And some oranges... Oh, and some brocoli... And tomatoes."

"Are tomatoes fruits or veggitables?" Willilam asked, laughing. Chase elbowed him.

"It's neither." He replied.

"No, it's both." Healer Phillips corrected. "Is that all?" 

"And some pineapple?" I asked. 

"I am not sure if we have any pinapple, but I will check on it. I will be back. Healer Fuchs will be here with you, so be good." He advised, and then turned to go into the building. By this time, most everyone had had their fill of cake. Now Chase and William were telling each other dirty jokes, Gilderoy was looking up at the moon, and Jenna was quietly talking to Healer Fuchs while she held her yarn. Healer Fuchs was knitting. I looked around, then made my way over to them and sat down.

"Goodevening, Miss Snape. Are you enjoying yourself?" Healer Fuchs asked. I swollowed.

"You can call me Elle, you know..." I trailed off. She smiled.

"I know. It's just a habit is all." She laughed. Jennas lips curled up at the ends. "Would you like to knit, too? I have an extra pair of needles with me."

"Sure..." I took up her offer. She reached into a bag and pulled out another set of needles. Then, she handed me a ball of green yarn. "You like this colour, right?"

"Yes. Green is my favourite colour." I grinned, then tucked some hair behind my ear. 

"I thought so." She replied. Soon we fell into a silence that consisted of only our needles clacking together. 

"You guys are very good at that..." Jenna, surprisingly, broke the silence. Healer Fuchs looked down at her.

"It just takes some practice. Would you like to try?" She offered. Jenna just stared at her.

"I don't care. I can show you. I don't mind." 

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I'll just take off my stiches-" Healer Fuchs moved to take her stitches off her needles, but I stopped her. She was so far into what looked to be a sock that I didn't want her to stop. 

Eleanor Snape- Book 5, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now