2seok (sweet/sad)

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Hoseok watched as his boyfriend held hands with another boy. Hoseok's arms were crossed and his mouth were tightly shut. He hated it. He hated every part of it. The cameras were rolling captivating the two boys smiling and looking loving on each other. Hoseok and Jin had been together for nearly two years but who really cared. As the interviewer asked for the two of them to kiss Hoseok looked away. Though he knew Jin wouldn't kiss Namjoon on the mouth. Most likely Jin would kiss Namjoon on the cheek which he did seconds later. Hoseok got a sour taste in his mouth and decided to go get some air. He knew it was for Jin and all but it hurt so much to see Jin with another. Jin was a famous singer and actor and six months ago when he really started to get famous, his agency had told him he had to "date" a famous rapper for image. It broke Hoseok's heart as Jin said he had to do it but it didn't mean anything because at the end of the day it would be Hoseok, he would come home to. Still six months later Hoseok hated it with all his heart. He didn't say anything as he knew it helped Jin and it was his dream to be an actor and singer.
Hoseok sighed deeply and looked at the parking lot, he was standing on. It was at the back but he could hear fans standing in the front cheering for their favourite couple. Hoseok knew the interview was soon over and went back inside. He watched as they smiling said goodbye as the camera turned off.

"You really are sweet." The interviewer said as they stood up.

"Thank you." Namjoon said and smiled. He put an arm around Jin and Jin leaned into his touch. Hoseok knew Namjoon was single but he once told Hoseok that he didn't like doing it. In fact he hated it but he didn't have the power to stop it either. Hoseok looked away again as they stood there and wondered for a split second if they were a better fit for each other. With that thought his mood was officially ruined. They got their microphones off and gathered their stuff. Jin barely looked at Hoseok as they walked out to the fans. Hoseok had to pretend he was a crew. He walked out and was able to sit in the same car as Jin. First when they were on the rode did Jin look at him. Jin's company knew they were together so he didn't have to hide it. Jin took Hoseok's hand and kissed his cheek.

"Are you ready to cuddle when we come home?" Jin asked sweetly but Hoseok couldn't smile a geniue smile.

"Yeah." Hoseok said and looked away. He hated when Jin called it home because Hoseok didn't live there. They wanted to move in together but the company said it was too risky so Hoseok had an apartment nearby.
He knew Jin would wonder why he reacted like that and he knew he couldn't play it off, not this time. He leaned his head back and looked outside. When they reached Jin's apartment they looked outside to make sure no one saw them together and when it was clear they hurried to the apartment. As they let themselves in and sat on the couch not saying anything Hoseok felt overwhelmed. It didn't help as Jin moved closer and hugged him.

"What's wrong?" Jin asked and kissed Hoseok's neck. Hoseok hated how much he loved his lips on his skin and how much he loved his scent. He hated how much Jin meant to him. He hated himself for not being strong enough for Jin. He hated Jin was so sweet. He hated he couldn't just hate Jin. As those thoughts swam around in his mind, tears started to form in his eyes. He hated he couldn't do this anymore.

"I want to break up." Hoseok whispered. He didn't look at Jin as the words made the tears fall down his cheeks.

"What? Why?" Jin asked and Hoseok could tell he was schocked. He knew how much Jin loved him but it was simply too hard.

"I can't watch you pretend to be with Namjoon anymore. I can't even though I know is fake. It hurts too much." Hoseok said and stood up, he needed to get away from Jin's touch. He looked at Jin who sat stunned and with tears streaming down his face.

"But-I love you-you can't just break up. Don't you love me?" Jin asked completely taken aback.

"I love you more than I think I'll ever love someone else." Hoseok said which was true. "But I get upset everytime a new picture shows up of you two and everytime you do an interview. It feels like a knife in my heart everytime I see you hold hands and you kiss his cheek because I know you'll do the exact same thing with me. It feels like someone is burning me inside everytime someone say you're the cutest couple or you look so in love."

Short imagines with BTS ships-Book 2Where stories live. Discover now