About me (tagged)

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I was tagged by @Kpop_trash_taetae ^.^

1. What's your favorite Kpop group?
-Without a doubt BTS
2. What's your ultimate bias?
-It's a really tough question but I guess it must be Hoseok because he's the reason I got into Kpop and he's amazing
3. Favorite food?
-Hm I guess it's ice cream?
4. Water or soda?
5. What's your favorite fanfic?
-I'm not sure, I don't read that many since I started to write
6. You're favorite ship?
-Yoonseok. Not necessarily romantic as much a friends
7. Do you like to sing/dance?
-Not really, I mean I sing in the car but I'm not very good at it
8. Do you like noodles?
-Yes especially curry noodles
9. Favorite color?
10. Are you ready for BTS comeback?
-I don't think there is a way to be ready
11. Outside or inside?
12. Sneakers or boots?
13. Do u like me?
-I don't think we ever really talked but sure I like you

Also as usual I don't tag anyone but feel free to do it if you want to ^.^

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