Taegi (request)

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This was requested by @nighthowler122 ^.^

Taehyung's back was pressed against the couch as his boyfriend Yoongi was sitting on his lap. Their lips were attached and Taehyung's hands were pressing Yoongi closer. When they finally moved away, Taehyung caressed Yoongi's cheek.

"You're so beautiful." Taehyung said and looked into his boyfriend's eyes.

"You think so?" Yoongi asked his cheeks turning light red.

"I know so." Taehyung said and kissed his cheek. "My beautiful boyfriend."

"Stop." Yoongi said and hit Taehyung's chest lightly. Taehyung gave out a light laugh and kissed Yoongi again.

"Come on let's go." Taehyung said and Yoongi crawled of Taehyung and they both stood up. They put on their shoes and jackets before going outside. Taehyung put his arm around Yoongi's shoulder. It was sort of late but they had decided to go an evening walk everyday. It make them feel healthy and they liked moving. The moon was shining down on them and Taehyung felt happy having Yoongi in his embrace. They had been together five years and Taehyung loved him more than anything. They were simply high school sweet hearts and Taehyung knew he would never love anyone else but Yoongi.
Yoongi put his hand in Taehyung's back pocket of his jeans and Taehyung knew they looked incredible in love.

"Hey wanna hear a cheesy pick up line?" Taehyung asked Yoongi.

"Sure." Yoongi said and looked at Taehyung.

"Are you from Korea? Because you could be my Seoul mate." Taehyung said and smiled. "Get it? S-o-u-l mate but instead it's S-E-O-U-L mate." Yoongi rolled his eyes but Taehyung could tell he sort of liked it.

"That's lame." Yoongi said and Taehyung laughed slightly.

"I think it would have worked on you back in school." Taehyung said and Yoongi gave out a light giggle.

"It would not." Yoongi said with a smile on his lips.

"Hm I guess we'll never know." Taehyung said and kissed Yoongi's cheek. "Oh hey can you wait here? I need to use the bathroom." Taehyung said pointing at a small building in the park.

"Why didn't you go at home?" Yoongi asked.

"Because I didn't have to then." Taehyung said and Yoongi let go of him.

"Fine. I'll wait here." Yoongi said and Taehyung smiled, kissed his cheek and went to the bathroom.
When he came out again Yoongi was clearly uncomfortable. Some drunk guys had settled on a bench near him and were yelling things at him.

"Yo you have pretty legs, I bet they are nice to have around your waist." One of them yelled as Taehyung hurried to Yoongi.

"Look at those fingers, I bet they could make you feel good at any time." Someone yelled and Taehyung became mad at them. When he reached Yoongi, he grabbed his wrist and pulled him behind him, so there was like a wall between Yoongi and the guys.

"Oh two of them! We're in for a rough night." A third one yelled and Taehyung felt his blood boil.

"Leave us alone!" Taehyung yelled back and they all laughed at him.

"Just come babe, they are not worth it." Yoongi whispered into Taehyung's ear while pulling gently at his arm.

"No they can't talk to you like that." Taehyung said but Yoongi shook his head.

"It's fine, Taehyung please. "Yoongi begged his boyfriend.

"Fine." Taehyung sighed. He grabbed Yoongi's hand and they walked away from them, while they were still yelling things. "I don't like people talking to you like that." Taehyung said when they got a little away.

"I know but that's just how it is." Yoongi said and sighed.

"What do you mean? Does it happen a lot?" Taehyung asked and stopped Yoongi from walking. He turned him so they were looking at each other.

"Not a lot but it happened before." Yoongi said and shrugged.

"Why haven't you told me?" Taehyung asked as he just wanted Yoongi to be safe.

"Because I know you get mad and there's no need to. It makes me uncomfortable but that's it." Yoongi explained but Taehyung still had a sour taste in his mouth.

"Hm I don't like that at all." Taehyung said and pulled Yoongi close. "You're my boyfriend and I want you to be comfortable walking the streets."

"I'm fine walking the streets. Tae please is not a big deal, please don't make it." Yoongi said and put his hands on the back of Taehyung's neck. Taehyung looked at Yoongi and saw he really meant it. He didn't think of it as a big deal at all.

"Alright fine." Taehyung agreed and kissed Yoongi's lips lightly. "Now let's just head home."

"Okay." Yoongi said and Taehyung put his arm around his shoulders again. They walked home sharing only little conversation. When then arrived, they both took their shoes and jacket off before Taehyung lifted Yoongi up bridal style and carried him to the bedroom.

"What are you doing?" Yoongi laughed.

"I'm just carrying my boyfriend to the bed." Taehyung said and Yoongi laughed again. Taehyung gently lay him down. He lay down next to him and tangled up their legs. "I really love you."

"I really love you too." Yoongi said and smiled while looking into Taehyung's eyes. Taehyung grabbed Yoongi's hand and held it.

"You know, ever since I saw you for the first time, I thought you were the most beautiful and attractive person on earth." Taehyung said making Yoongi blush again.

"You didn't." Yoongi said and smiled shyly.

"I did! I haven't thought such thing about anyone else but you." Taehyung said and Yoongi bit his lip.

"If you say so." Yoongi laughed.

"Well I do." Taehyung said and kissed Yoongi's lips lightly. "You're my everything."

"And you're mine." Yoongi said before he yawned.


"Yeah, it's been a long but good day." Yoongi said and Taehyung agreed.

"Then let's go to bed." Taehyung said and they undressed themselves and brushed their teeth. They crawled under the duvets spooning. Yoongi being little spoon and Taehyung big spoon. He held Yoongi tightly. "Goodnight my most wonderful boyfriend."

"Goodnight my amazing Tae." Yoongi said and Taehyung could tell he was smiling. He kissed his neck and closed his eyes. With Yoongi in his embrace, he fell asleep with a feeling of love buzzing in his body.

I hope you liked it ^.^

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