Jinmin (sweet)

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Jimin lay on his bed looking at his phone and giving a long sigh. He missed his boyfriend Jin with all his heart but knew it would be a few hours before they could see each other again. Jin was on vacation with his family but was coming home that day so Jimin only counted the hours for him to come home. They had been together nearly a year and a half but had never been away from each other that long. They had met in school Jin a few years older than Jimin. They fell for each other pretty quickly and it didn't take long for them to be boyfriends.
Jimin sighed again before standing up. He walked to his closet and took out a shirt Jin had left with him. Jimin took his own shirt off and put on Jin's. It smelled like him and made Jimin feel warm inside. He lay on his bed again surrounded by the scent of his boyfriend. He closed his eyes and was suddenly reminded of memories with Jin.
Jimin sat on a bench listening to music and enjoying the sun. He suddenly felt a kiss on his cheek. He opened his eyes and saw Jin smiling at him. He took his headphones out as Jin sat down. They kissed and Jin put an arm around him.

"Hey babe." Jin had said.

"Hey." Jimin had said back leaning into his body.

"You look really good in this light." Jin had said and Jimin had blushed. Jin gave him endless of compliments all the time and Jimin would blush every single time.

"Thank you." Jimin had said and Jin kissed him on the cheek. "And you look handsome as always."

"Well I know." Jin had said and Jimin pushed him lightly.

"Sometimes you could just say thank you." Jimin had said and Jin pulled him closer.

"Alright sorry. Thank you." Jin had said and Jimin smiled.
Even now the memory made Jimin smile and he felt happy thinking about it. It was probably his go to memory whenever he felt sad. Jimin opened his eyes and checked his phone again. Still hours to go before Jin would come back. Jimin closed his eyes again and a new memory came into mind.
Jimin came home from school after a long and tiring day. When he came into his room he broke down and cried. Jin had called him in that moment and Jimin had picked it up with a mushy voice. Jin detected right away that something was wrong and Jimin had told him about his day. Jin had said he would come right over. As soon as he had walked in, he held Jimin in his arms. Jimin had cried into his broad shoulder and Jin had kept whispering how much he loved Jimin. At last Jimin had pulled away and let Jin dry his tears.

"I'm happy you're here." Jimin had said to him.

"I always will be." Jin had answered and it made Jimin feel all happy inside.

"Good. I hope you will." Jimin had said and their lips had met. Afterwards they had cuddled up and spend the day Jin holding Jimin.
Jimin opened his eyes again and groaned after he checked the time. Still two hours before Jin would come home. Jimin pulled Jin's shirt up to his nose and breathed it in. It gave Jimin a weird sensation and he thought about Jin's lips kissing him. His mind went back to the first time they had sex. It was Jimin's very first time and Jin had been so gentle with him. He had made sure he was feeling okay through it all. Jimin had felt safe under Jin's touch and knew he was the right one to do with it. He couldn't have asked for anyone better. Afterwards they had cuddled up, their naked skin pressing together. Jimin had felt amazing and loved in ways he had never felt loved before.
Jimin smiled once more to himself. Since then every time they had done it, it felt amazing. Jin took so great care of him, it was hard to believe anyone was allowed to be so lucky. Jimin held tight onto the shirt and longed to kiss Jin again. He decided to think about something less pleasent in hope to make the need to see him less strong. He thought about their first fight and the way Jimin thought it would break them. It was a stupid fight about how Jin thought Jimin had spend too much time with his friends and Jin felt neglected. They had said some horrible things and both had regretted them right away. They had cried when Jimin had walked out the room needing to get away. Only fifteen minuts later did he come back, he couldn't stand being away from Jin that long, when they were in a fight. They had hugged and cried telling each other how sorry they were. Jimin had admitted to spend a little too much time with his friends and promised to be more with Jin. Jin had said he probably overreacted and they had kissed.
Jimin sighed as it only made Jimin wish Jin was with him even more.
Jimin shifted so he was lying on his side. He thought about the way Jin would always make him smile and laugh in ways Jimin only did with him. The way Jin loved to show Jimin affection no matter where they were. The way he would walk into Jimin's room, after they had only been away, a couple of hours and say:

"Did you miss me gorgeous?" Jimin opened his eyes. He looked to the door and there was Jin.

"Jin!" Jimin exclamied and got off the bed. He ran into Jin's arms which was wide open and ready to welcome Jimin. "Oh Jin, I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too." Jin said and hugged him tightly. As soon as as they pulled away they kissed. Jin lifted Jimin up and Jimin had his arms around Jin's neck. While they kissed they moved to the bed. They fell down on it forcing to pull away. They cuddled up fast.

"Did you have a good vacation?" Jimin asked as they lay close.

"Yes it was relaxing and fun but I missed you a whole lot." Jin said which made Jimin happy to hear. "By the way is that my shirt?"

"Yeah. I really missed you." Jimin said and blushed.

"Awh well now I'm here." Jin said and pulled him closer. Jimin caught Jin's lips with his own and kissed him.

"Yes and I'm not letting you go. At least not for the rest of the day." Jimin said and smiled.

"Well I wouldn't have it any other way cutie pie." Jin said kissing Jimin's nose. Jimin smiled once more.

"Now tell me about your vacation." Jimin said and Jin thought a little before he began to tell. Jimin listened and asked questions to what he was saying, all the while they were holding each other tightly, happy to be united again.

Short imagines with BTS ships-Book 2Where stories live. Discover now