Namjin (sweet/sad) Part 2

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The next many weeks Jin spend talking with Namjoon after school. It was a bit too dangerous talking in school so Namjoon spend that time resting or getting "charged" as he called it. Every night Jin would fall asleep next to Namjoon with a big urge to kiss him. He had unmistakable fallen for Namjoon. He knew it was crazy and spend hours in school trying to convince himself to stop liking a dead boy instead of listening to the teachers. His grade was dropping fast but he didn't care. Namjoon made him feel more alive than he had before which was ironic. He made him feel safe and warm. He smiled and laughed like he never had before. They knew almost everything there was to know about each other. Even so Namjoon would sometimes get sad and tell Jin, he should live his life while he still had it. He felt he was holding him back and that it wasn't fair to Jin. Each time Jin told Namjoon that the life he had before wasn't worth living. It was pointless, he had gone through the same rutine everyday and it was draining him. He didn't have any friends, not even an acquaintances and his parents had never cared much for him. Namjoon thought it was sad to hear but always stayed. One day they were sitting in Jin's bed, close enough to make Jin's heart beat fast but also close enough for Jin to see a little through him. He had never really told Namjoon he liked him but he had a good idea Namjoon knew.

"Joonie, did you have a..partner before you died?" Jin asked nervous. He had thought about it a lot and even though they knew each other well Namjoon didn't like to talk about the time close to the accident.

"I didn't have a boyfriend." Namjoon said and a profound sadness showed in his eyes.

"Oh but you liked someone." Jin said reading the look on Namjoon's face.

"No." Namjoon said and looked deep into Jin's eyes. "Jin we can't be together. I'm dead. You're alive. We can't even touch." Jin's heart sank to his stomach.

"I can't help what I feel." Jin said, feeling the tears pressing behind his eyes.

"I know but try not to okay? We can't be togerher you know that." Namjoon said and looked sadly at Jin who now couldn't help the tears that were streaming down his face.

"If you don't like me like that, you can just say it." Jin said and moved a little away. He was upset mainly because he knew Namjoon was right.

"I do like you like that. Even when I was alive I never felt so strongly about anyone." Namjoon said and reached out to touch Jin but stopped himself. He slowly put his hand down. "I'm sorry Jin."

"It's not your fault." Jin said and suddenly the door into his room opened.

"Jin honey, who are you talking with?" His mom stuck his head inside. Jin dried his tears away quickly and Namjoon looked around to see his mom.

"Nobody. I was just reheasing a play for school. I'm trying to remember my lines and I almost got them." Jin said. It was a lousy excuse but his parents knew so little about his school, they wouldn't be able to know they didn't have a play.

"Oh alright." His mom said and her smile seemed painted on. "Dinner is in five minuts okay?"

"Okay." Jin said and she closed the door. Jin sighed and looked at Namjoon. This only proved his point.


"No Namjoon. I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything. Please just forget it." Jin said and Namjoon hesitated.

"I want you to know that if I was alive, we would be together but there's someone else out there who can give you a lot more and you'll find him one day." Namjoon said.

"Or if I was dead." Jin said mainly to himself.

"What?" Namjoon asked and frowned.

"Sorry nothing. I should get to dinner." Jin said and stood up. "I'll see you after." Jin said and left the room.
In the evening he fell asleep with his back to Namjoon. He knew everything Namjoon said was right but it still hurt a lot. He needed just a little time to gather himself and then everything would go back to normal. He closed his eyes and felt Namjoon move a little closer before he fell asleep.
The next morning Namjoon wasn't next to him. It wasn't first time Namjoon had to charge earlier than planned so Jin didn't think much of it. He got dressed and went downstairs. He stopped abruptly when he saw both of his parents at the dinner table. He hadn't seen them sitting there in the morning for years and he knew something was off right away. He wondered if he should go back to his room but before he could take a descion, his dad turned around.

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