Jinmin (sad/sweet)

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Jin and Jimin sat close in the back of a cab. Jin was holding Jimin's hand to comfort him.

"Jimin you can do this." Jin said and Jimin nodded sadly.

"I don't know how he'll react." Jimin said and leaned closer to Jin.

"Don't worry, I'll come up five minuts after." Jin said trying his best to give Jimin strength. He wanted to kiss him but knew Jimin wouldn't want that. They weren't exactly a couple yet. Jimin had a boyfriend who he was going to break up with to be with Jin. Jin knew his boyfriend was terrible and had mentally run Jimin to the point where he cried himself to sleep. That's when Jimin finally told Jin and slowly as Jin became his rock they fell for each other. They had confessed but Jimin had refused to do anything more about it before he had broken up with his boyfriend. So there they were. Jimin were going to break up, though his heart beated nervously and his palms were sweaty so Jin had promised to come up five minuts after to make sure everything was alright.

"Okay. Here I go." Jimin said. He took a deep breath before getting out. His steps seemed uneasy as he walked up the stairs to his boyfriends apartment. When he arrived, he felt rocks in his stomach. He carefully knocked and waited for an answer. When his boyfriend opened the door, he didn't look too happy.

"Oh..Hey." Chul said. He turned around and walked futher into the apartment. Jimin walked inside and closed the door. "What's up?"

"I-I need to talk to you." Jimin said, his voice shaking slightly. Chul didn't seem too interested and kept scrolling through his phone. He had placed himself on the couch while Jimin stood up.

"Sure just tell me." Chul said without even glaring at Jimin. Jimin's heart beated way too fast and for a moment he thought he might pass out.

"I..I want to break up." Jimin said trying to sound as strong as possible. Though it quickly faded away as Chul finally looked up from his phone.

"What?" Chul said. He didn't exactly seem sad as much as he seemed annoyed and mad at Jimin.

"I'm breaking up with you." Jimin said and looked down, his voice tiny.

"You can't just break up with me!" Chul said and stood up. He walked close to Jimin in a way that could remind of an animal, having to threaten another animal. "I gave you everything!" He was raising his voice making Jimin flinch even though he resisted the urge to step back.

"I can and that's what I'm doing." Jimin said really trying to be brave for Jin.

"Ha! You think I'm easy?" Chul said and walked closer. Now Jimin stepped back. For every step Chul took towards Jimin, Jimin took a step backwards. "Don't you think I know you've cheated on me behind my back? Huh? With that Jin guy! YOU ARE A FUCKING LOSER! YOU DISGUST ME! YOU THINK JIN IS GOING TO STAY WITH SUCH AN UGLY PERSON!" Chul was yelling now and Jimin felt a lump in his throat. He couldn't back up more and was pressed against a wall while Chul was yelling at him.

"Please." Jimin begged, he simply couldn't help it. Chul grabbed his arms and pressed them hard into the wall so Jimin couldn't move.

"YOU'RE JUST A DIRTY LITTLE WHORE!" Chul's spit was hitting Jimin's face slightly. "YOU'RE USELESS. I HATE YOU. YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST BREAK UP WITH ME? NO WAY. I'M THE ONE DECIDING! YOU LITTLE BIT-" He got cut off my Jin pushing him away from Jimin.

"You don't ever touch him again, understood?" Jin said. Jimin had never seen him so mad. He looked dangerous like he would attack at any moment. His eyes were dark and he was standing with Jimin behind him.

"I wasn't wrong huh?" Chul said in a nasty tone and looked from Jimin to Jin. "You know what have him. He's no good anyway." Chul said and looked at Jin.

Short imagines with BTS ships-Book 2Where stories live. Discover now