Yoonjin (sad)

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Jin was smiling over the candle light. It was a romantic restaurant, perfect for the date he was on. His date had just given him a compliment and Jin smiled sweetly.

"Ah you're making me blush." Jin said as he felt his cheeks go red.

"I don't mind making you blush though." Hoseok his date said. Jin couldn't stop the even stronger blushing coming on.

"Well thank you. For the compliment." Jin said and took a sip of his drink. The date was going well as they were almost done with the dinner. Jin was just about to say something, when the voice he least wanted to hear sounded.

"Mind if I join you?" The voice said and dragged a chair over to their table. Jin glared at the person who sat down and Hoseok just looked confused. "Hello there lovebirds."

"Yoongi get lost." Jin said annoyed and Hoseok looked from Yoongi to Jin a couple of times.

"Do you know him? Who is he?" Hoseok asked and Jin sighed.

"He's my e-"

"Ex-boyfriend. Nice to meet you." Yoongi said and Jin wanted to push Yoongi off the chair.

"Ex-boyfriend?" Hoseok asked like he had to think about it.

"Yup! For a year. We broke up..was it two months ago but don't let him fool you, he's not over me." Yoongi said and Jin was growing angry.

"Don't listen to him." Jin said and Yoongi just smiled and took a sip out of Jin's glass. Jin looked disgusted at Yoongi.

"Ah relax, it's not like we haven't shared spit before. I mean with all the kissing and blowjobs, I think taking a sip out of your glass should hardly matter." Yoongi said and Hoseok looked horrified.

"Yoongi shut up and leave." Jin said but Yoongi just smiled.

"Why? We're having so much fun." Yoongi said and wiped something off Jin's lips. "Well let me tell you how he is as a boyfriend. He's absolutely amazing. He takes care of you, he loves you and you always feel safe with him. He's a great cook. And well the sex is just something you should look forward to. He can use his hands and mouth in ways you'd never expect. He can make you moan his name until you think, you can do nothing else. He makes your whole body shake with pleasure and don't even get me started on his peni-"

"That's enough!" Jin said and slammed his hand down in the table, making both of the boys jump.

"Jin maybe we should just continue this some other day? Here I'll pay for the meal and um I'll call you later." Hoseok said and got up. Jin stood up as well.

"Wait Hoseok bu-"

"It's okay Jin really. I had a great time." Hoseok said and smiled quickly before leaving. Jin sighed and looked at Yoongi who was now quiet. Jin shook his head and payed for the meal with Hoseok's money and walked outside, with Yoongi following him.

"That would be the forth date you've ruined for me." Jin said as he walked.

"I know, I'm keeping a book of how long the dates last. He was pretty quick to give up." Yoongi commented. Jin shook his head again and tried to control his anger.
Yoongi and him had been boyfriends for a year, and it had been a good relationship for most of it. Then Yoongi started to act like he owned Jin and he demanded him do all kind of crazy things, like making dinner naked and to text everyone to stay away from him. He would always hold Jin's hand in public, never letting go, not even for a second. They started to fight constantly and Jin had ended it. To be honest Yoongi had been a very good boyfriend before all of that. He had cared for Jin, always making sure he felt good. He had loved him and was always able to make a smile appear on Jin's face. Jin had no idea of why it had gone wrong.

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