2seok (request)

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This was requested by @Ame-le-panda ^.^

Jin looked at the boy sitting just a few rows ahead of him. Hoseok had been in his life a couple of months now and Jin was crazy about him. They hung out often enough and wrote as well. Hoseok had come to their school as a transfer and from the minute Jin saw him, he knew he had to get to know him. He introduced himself in the cafeteria and Hoseok had shyly said hi back. Jin had sat down and started to talk while Hoseok's eyes kept flickering. He seemed to be listening but not able to stay focused on Jin. In general Hoseok seemed like a nice guy and slowly he opened up to Jin. He talked mostly about his interest in dancing and music, not anything too personal. When it came to where he lived or about his family his eyes would flicker again and he would shut himself in. Jin didn't know why and he never really pushed it. Despite that Jin was completely lost in him. He wasn't sure if Hoseok felt the same way but a few times Jin caught Hoseok staring at him and when they were sitting together Hoseok seemed to lean slightly into Jin. One time they had watched a movie together over at Jin's and Hoseok had gotton a shock grabbing Jin's hand and seemed somewhat out of himself. He had burried his head in Jin's shirt and Jin had held him. They sat like that for a long time and when Hoseok seemed to calm down, he slowly moved away and they didn't talk about it again. Jin knew well enough that something was going on but pushing it seemed cruel. When Hoseok was ready, he would probably tell Jin.
The bell rang and everybody got up. Hoseok walked over to Jin and waited until he was done getting his stuff. It was the last class of the day and they were going over at Jin's.

"Ready to go?" Jin asked as he had packed all of his stuff.

"Yes." Hoseok said in his usual calm tone. They walked to Jin's house as it wasn't too far and both of them liked to walk.

"I'm honestly not sure I will be able to pass that class." Jin said and scratched the back of his head.

"Oh why not?" Hoseok asked and looked at Jin.

"I lose focus everytime and I don't understand what's going on." Jin said and Hoseok nodded.

"I'll help you with the homework if you want." Hoseok offered.

"I would really like that." Jin said and they walked on in silence. When they arrived Jin let them in as his parents wouldn't be home until dinner. They sat at the dinner table next to each other and found the homework. Jin got them a glass of water and some snacks.

"Alright so question number one." Hoseok started. Slowly Hoseok helped Jin and even though Jin was slightly distracted about the fact Hoseok kept leaning in so he was very close, he understood most of it. When they had done more than a half Jin's eyes fell on Hoseok's lips. They were so close and seemed very kissable. Since Jin stopped answering the questions Hoseok's turned his head to see what he was doing and their faces were so close. Hoseok eyes fell on Jin's lips as well and Jin knew it was stupid not to take the chance. Slowly he leaned in and their lips brushed. First Jin was scared he had made a mistake but then Hoseok leaned in and pressed their lips togerher. Slowly they started to kiss. It made Jin's heart flutter. It felt so good and Jin wondered how he could have gone without it for so long. Then suddenly Hoseok pulled away and Jin opened his eyes.

"I-I'm sorry. I-I need to go." Hoseok said and started to pack his things. Jin frowned by his actions not understanding at all. He stood up as well and it took him a second to snap out of his daze and react.

"Wait. Why? Did I do something wrong?" Jin asked afraid he had hurt him in some way. Hoseok was walking passed Jin and Jin grabbed his arms and turned him around only to see he had tears in his eyes. He looked so sad and his eyes was filled with so much pain. Jin had never seen someone look so broken before.

Short imagines with BTS ships-Book 2Where stories live. Discover now