Yoonseok (request)

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This was requsted by KayPop1234 ^.^

Hoseok sat in the cafeteria pretending to read a book. He kept stealing glances at Yoongi who was sitting with his friends. Hoseok had a massive crush on Yoongi and had for a long time. They only talked a few times but Hoseok had plenty of classes with him. Sometimes it seemed odd to Hoseok that he liked him so much as they were so diffrent. Yoongi was a party animal, always at every party even if he wasn't invited, you could count on he would find a way to get in. The way he acted was always cool and people admired him. Hoseok on the other hand was a "loser" as many people decribed him. He had only ever been to one party before and had decided he didn't like it. So he didn't go anymore. Hoseok always made his homework and could often be seen with a book hence the school's "loser". Hoseok didn't bother much with the term as he didn't care too much. Only when Yoongi was nearby and a comment was made about him did he feel embarresed.
Suddenly a bang sounded on the table, he was sitting at and his stream of thoughts was broken. He looked to his side and saw his best friend Namjoon. The two of them had known each other for ages and they knew everything there was to know about the other. Namjoon was more popular than Hoseok as he was liked by many.

"Hey Hoseok." Namjoon said with a light hit on his shoulder which meant he wanted something from him.

"What do you want?" Hoseok said and put his book down.

"Go to the party tomorrow night with me." Namjoon said and Hoseok didn't like the sound of it.

"You know I hate parties." Hoseok said in a disapprovel tone.

"I know but Jin is sick and can't go and I don't want to go alone. Please." Namjoon begged but Hoseok just looked at him. "Yoongi will be there. You might be able to talk to him." Namjoon said switching tactics. Hoseok looked across the room at Yoongi and sighed.

"Alright." Hoseok said and Namjoon smiled. He pulled Hoseok into a hug out of happiness and Hoseok smiled.

"Thank you. You're the best." Namjoon said and stood up. "We'll meet at your place after school tomorrow and I'll help you find the outfit. Sounds good?"

"Sounds good." Hoseok agreed and gone was Namjoon practially skipping out. Hoseok smiled and returned to his book. Though he didn't get far before he looked at Yoongi. He only agreed to go the party because of the small chance, he might get to talk to Yoongi. As he dreamed of what might happen the bell rang and everyone gathered their stuff. Hoseok went to class feeling excited but nervous.
The next day Hoseok went all day feeling nervous. After school Namjoon came over and helped Hoseok find the outfit and before he knew it, he was standing in the middle of the party. The music was so loud it felt like the walls was moving. People were talking and laughing all around. Alcohol and teenage sweat hang in the air of the warm night. Namjoon lead Hoseok deeper inside the party to the kitchen and handed him a beer. Hoseok took it and sipped slightly to it. He did like beer but wasn't a fan of the outcome when you drank too much of it. They went to the living room where Hoseok spotted Yoongi right away. He was sitting in the couch with some other people. He was captivated by Yoongi in his natural habbit and didn't notice a guy approach him until he had his arm around his shoulder.

"Hey Hoseok." He yelled over the music. "Wanna play beer pong with us?"

"No thank you." He yelled back but the guy already started to pull him towards the table.

"Awh come on, it's just a fun game." The guy said and they now stood infront of the table, Hoseok feeling very uncomfortable. He looked around the room to see Namjoon standing and talking with some girl. There was no help there.

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