Vmon (sweet)

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Namjoon woke up in confusion. It was dark in the room and a sound was coming from the other bed. It took him a moment to finally being able to see and another moment to realise that the sound came from Taehyung. He was kicking around and making noices. Namjoon hurried over to him as fast as he could as he was pretty drowsy.

"Tae." He said in a hoarse voice. Taehyung didn't react so in his own drowsiness, he thought it would be a good idea to lie down next to him. He held his arms around him and slowly Namjoon whispered small words of comfort. At last Taehyung opened his eyes, and it took a minute for him to focus on Namjoon.

"Hey. I'm sorry I woke you up." Taehyung said, his eyes half open and his voice almost unrecognizable.

"It's okay." Namjoon said and realised he was still holding him. He slowly let go and wanted to crawl back into his own bed but Taehyung held his arm.

"Do you think you could sleep here? Just for tonight?" Taehyung asked and Namjoon hesitated. He didn't exactly know if he wanted to sleep in the same bed, not because he didn't like Taehyung but more because he found it a bit odd, as Taehyung usually cuddled with you in his sleep. Namjoon himself was gay and everyone knew it, while Taehyung usually said he wasn't sure.

"Okay." Namjoon agreed at last. He mostly just wanted to go back to sleep. He moved so he lay better, still with Taehyung in his arms. Taehyung drifted off to sleep pretty fast while Namjoon looked at him. He had never noticed how handsome Taehyung really was. He knew of course he was good looking but lying there in the same bed, he realised he was much more than that. He really was handsome, like a prince from a magical country. Namjoon couldn't shake the feeling as he watched the sleeping Taehyung and ended up just closing his eyes and waiting for sleep to find him again. Lucky a few minuts later it did.
The next morning he woke up still with Taehyung in his arms. Namjoon was stunned to think it was the best sleep he had had for a long time. Taehyung was slowly waking up too and when his eyes fianlly opened he looked slightly suprised.

"Hey. Thank you for staying with me." Taehyung said and it suddenly felt a little awkward.

"No problem." Namjoon answered and moved away. They didn't say much to each other and was pretty much quiet as they got dressed and waited for their stylist. They went out to the other boys and finally it felt like Namjoon could breath again. He didn't really know what it was but something between them had defiantly changed. When they were finally ready to go to some place so they could film another Run! Episode, Namjoon and Taehyung ended up sitting next to each other in the car. They barely looked at each other, but at one point their hands rested against each other, and it was like a spark was send through Namjoon's hand and right to his heart. He was sure Taehyung felt something too because their eyes had met and they blushed. They quickly moved their hands and was shy towards each other the rest of the time. Through the filming they tried not to seem awkward or weird. They managed alright and by the end of the day, they weren't awkward anymore. Though they weren't back to their usually self. Something had changed between them. In the evening Namjoon was lying in his bed relaxing. He was sleepy and defiantly wanted to go to bed soon. His mind drifted to Taehyung and like he had heard it, he walked into the room.

"Are you going to sleep now?" Taehyung asked and Namjoon nodded.

"Yeah I'm getting tired." Namjoon answered. There was a silence before Taehyung decided to move closer.

"Can we sleep in the same bed again? It makes me sleep better." Taehyung asked and Namjoon's heart skipped a beat. He wasn't sure how to feel about it, but his mouth answered before his mind could keep up.

"Sure." Namjoon said suprising both himself and Taehyung. Taehyung smiled and turned off the lights before crawling in next to Namjoon. Namjoon put his arms around him and they were lying close, almost no air between their bodies.

"Thank you Joon, I feel much safer like this." Taehyung said drowsy. Namjoon looked at him and smiled.

"It's no problem." Namjoon said and held him a little closer.

"Goodnight." Taehyung closed his eyes and Namjoon followed his lead.

"Goodnight." Namjoon responded and a little later he fell alseep.
Nearly a month went by and they kept sharing a bed at night. One day after they returned from another shooting, Namjoon was sitting alone in his studio working as he heard a knock on the door.

"Hey can I talk to you?" Jin asked as he stuck his head inside.

"Sure. What's up?" Namjoon asked and Jin seemed hesitent in his words while he sat on the little couch Namjoon had in his studio.

"What's going on between you and Tae? I don't mean to pry but I have seen the two of you lie in the same bed countless of times. You holding him." Jin said and Namjoon didn't really know how to respond. He wasn't sure on his own feelings.

"To be honest I don't know. He had a nightmare one night so I went over to his bed and comforted him. He asked me to stay so I did and then we just started to sleep in the same bed." Namjoon explained while Jin listened carefully.

"But does it mean anything to you? I mean do you have feelings for him? I noticed that the two of you have been acting diffrently with each other." Jin said and Namjoon could feel a small blush in his cheeks.

"I'm not sure. I know something is diffrent but I can't figure out what. I defently see him in a diffrent light now. I mean he's so handsome and I swear when he smiles, the room lights up. I love the way he talks, like he says the most weird yet wise things. The way he laughs, always makes me feel warm inside. He just makes me happy in ways I never really thought I could be. I have known him for so long but I never realised how amazing he is. I just really like him." Namjoon said with a dream like voice.

"Sure sounds like you have feelings for him." Jin noted with a little smile. It was like a hammer hitting Namjoon straight in the head. He liked Taehyung. It was so obvious.

"I need to find him." Namjoon said and stood up like he was struck my lightning. "Thank you Jin!" Namjoon said and Jin smiled.

"Always here to help." Jin said as Namjoon raced our the door. He knew Taehyung would be somewhere in the building and he tried to remember where. He looked in the practice room but he wasn't there. He only took a second to think before heading to Hoseok's studio. Taehyung had mentioned something about going there. As he came closer to the door, his palms started to sweat and his heart beated faster. He opened the door and there he was as beautiful as ever. Both Hoseok and Taehyung looked up at him but Namjoon only saw Taehyung.

"Tae." Namjoon said and Taehyung stood up. "I really like you. Like more than a friend. I want you to be my boyfriend. Do you want to be my boyfriend?" Namjoon asked not sure on exactly what he was saying. Only after did he realise the words coming out from his mouth. Taehyung looked stunned but then slowly smiled.

"I thought you would never ask." Taehyung said and pulled Namjoon into a kiss. Namjoon completely forgot about everything else and held Taehyung close. When they pulled away, they looked into each others eyes.

"I'm so happy you asked me to stay with you that night." Namjoon said and really meant it.

"So am I. The most wonderful thing came out from a nightmare." Taehyung said and Namjoon agreed. They kissed again paying no attention to Hoseok who's jaw had dropped. When they did fianlly look at him, they couldn't help but laugh. They explained to him what had been going on and Hoseok seemed geniue happy for them. Both of them went home after that and told the others the news, all of them were happy as well and Namjoon couldn't feel more blessed. As usually they spend the night together in the same bed. Something Namjoon hoped they would always do.

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