Yoonmin (sweet)

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This is related to the latest Yoonjin/2seok, I hope you all like it :)

Yoongi walked down the streets three months after he had broken up with Jin. He hadn't talked to Hoseok or Jin and he wasn't planning to. As far as he was concerned they didn't exsist. If his mind happened to think about what happend, it felt like his heart got set on fire and a few times, tears had found their way into his eyes. Though he quickly reminded himself that he shouldn't feel bad. He had done nothing wrong.
He looked for a new apartment and found one luckly pretty fast. It was in a nice neighborhood and it seemed to be just right for him. He got some of his friends to help him move and if he found any of Jin's stuff he threw it out. He didn't deserve getting them back. Everything he had gotton from Jin, clothes, shoes, jewelry he gave to charity stores. It had defently helped him mentally to move too and everything he either gave away or threw out, was like a piece of memory with Jin, something he was more than happy to get rid off.
Even so it stung a little harder that Hoseok had been the one he had done it with. Hoseok had been a friend of his for so long and losing him, almost felt like losing a piece of himself as well. He often wondered why Hoseok had done it. If it really was because they liked each other. Hoseok had been there for him after his first boyfriend cheated on him and he had seen first hand what it had done to Yoongi. It only made him want to forget them both harder.
Yoongi turned a corner and was nearly at his apartment now. He walked the stairs to his apartment but on the second floor, he nearly walked into a guy. He came out of his door the same time Yoongi was walking past it.

"Oh!" The boy exclamied making Yoongi's heart beat faster from suprise. Yoongi had seen the guy around a few times and he was very handsome. He had plump lips and were a little shorter than Yoongi was. "I'm so sorry are you okay?" The boy asked despite the fact that nothing happend.

"I'm fine. Are you okay?" Yoongi asked the handsome boy.

"I'm good. You're the guy who just moved in right?" The boy asked and smiled gently to Yoongi. It only made him look even better.

"Yes I am." Yoongi said midly stunned by the boy's looks.

"Oh well, welcome to the building." He said. "I'm Jimin by the way. Do you like it here?" His voice sounded slightly like he was in a hurry.

"I'm Yoongi and yeah, I really like it." Yoongi said and returned the smile. "Are you in a hurry?" Jimin looked at his phone, probably checking the time.

"Um well in fact, yes I am. I have a bus to catch. It was really nice to meet you." Jimin said already on his way to the stairs.

"Nice to meet you too." Yoongi said and Jimin gave one last smile before he turned around and walked down the stairs in a quick pace. Yoongi gently shook his head and smiled to himself. He continuted to walk up to his apartment, while thinking of Jimin. He really seemed nice and Yoongi almost hoped to bump into him again. Though a quick trip down memory lane that his brain forced him to do, reminded him of his last two boyfriends and was enough for Yoongi to want to stay single forever. He didn't want to risk getting cheated on again and he seemed to be a clear target to do it on. When Yoongi reached his apartment, he knocked out any thought of Jimin or any other boy that might be on his mind. He started to cook some food for himself and ate it while listening to music.
The next day, Yoongi had a day off and decided to go to a coffee shop near his apartment. As he walked down the stairs Jimin nearly walked into him again.

"Oh gosh, Yoongi! I'm sorry. I really should be more careful walking out my door." Jimin said and seemed to blush slightly.

"Hey, it's okay. Though you're right, you probably should be more careful, so you don't hurt yourself one day. We couldn't have that, now could we?" Yoongi said and it only made Jimin blush futher.

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