Yoonseok (sad/sweet)

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Yoongi and Hoseok were over at a friend for a little get together. The two boys were sitting close as they were boyfriends and Yoongi had an arm firmly placed around Hoseok's waist. They were all laughing and talking, just relaxing. That was until one of their friends looked at Hoseok.

"Ah now I know what it is!" Jimin their friend said catching the attention of all of them.

"What?" Hoseok asked.

"I know why you suddenly look so good! You got a haircut." Jimin said and reached over to touch his hair and Hoseok could feel Yoongi grow tense next to him. Hoseok hoped Yoongi wouldn't react but no such luck. Yoongi reached over and stopped Jimin's hand with pushing it away.

"Yeah he does look good. I'm happy he's my boyfriend." Yoongi said and glared with eyes that could kill. Yoongi would always get jeaouls, not just a little but a lot. What just happend was nothing to what he would sometimes say or do. At times he would even drag Hoseok out of the room. Hoseok never liked it when he did.
Jimin looked a little taken aback and sat down again. Every single of them knew not to mess with Yoongi when it was about Hoseok. After that the conversation continued but the mood was somewhat ruined. Hoseok decided after some while that he didn't want to stay. He needed to talk to Yoongi, he really couldn't take it anymore.

"Yoongi I'm tired let's go home." Hoseok said.

"Okay." Yoongi responded shortly. They said goodbye and drove home. They didn't say much and it was sort of awkward between them. When they came inside their apartment, they took off their shoes and jacket before going to the kitchen.

"That was fu-" Yoongi started but Hoseok cut him off.

"Yoongi it needs to stop." Hoseok said in the calmest tone he could possibe make in the situation. He was standing with his back to Yoongi, holding tightly to the kitchen table with his head down.

"What?" Yoongi said and was geniuely confused.

"The jealous thing. I can't deal with it anymore!" Hoseok said and a rush of anger went through him, causing him to raise his voice.

"Are you blaming me for being jealous?" Yoongi said and Hoseok could tell he was getting mad as well.

"I'm not blaming you!" Hoseok said in a loud voice. "You can be jealous all you want but the way you get jealous needs to change!"

"What the hell does that mean?" Yoongi said and Hoseok could imagine he had crossed his arms. He turned around to look at him and sure enoug he had crossed arms.

"The way Yoongi. You scare of all my friends with the comments! They don't even dare to touch me anymore! Do you know how many of my friends started to walk on eggshells around me because of you? I get that you love me and all that but stop showing it like that! I can't take it anymore!" Hoseok said growing angrier as he talked.

"So what now I can't even have my arm around you and be proud that you're my boyfriend?" Yoongi said. He had raised his voice too and Hoseok could tell he was pissed.

"Of course you can! That's not what I'm saying!" Hoseok yelled. "Yoongi it's fine you get jealous okay? You should be a little jealous, it means you care about me but you don't get a little jealous. You get crazy jealous, to the point where I actsually think that if you could, you would tattoo your name on my forehead so people would stay away."

Short imagines with BTS ships-Book 2Where stories live. Discover now