Jinmin (sad/sweet)

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Jin sat in class endlessly bored as his teacher went on and on about some project they needed to make. He looked outside and saw the rain was pouring down.

"Jin you will be pared up with Jimin." His teacher said and Jin looked at her.

"Okay." Jin answered. He didn't know Jimin well but they had a few classes together. He always thought Jimin was very attractive and he sometimes caught himself staring a little too long. He often thought about talking to him because he really thought he might start to like him, but something always kept him back. So it wasn't all bad that they got paired up together. A little while later the bell rang. Jin gathered his stuff when a shadow was made over his desk.

"Hey Jimin." Jin said when he saw who it was.

"Hey." Jimin said. He alsways sounded sad when he talked. His eyes looked like all life was drained from them and his mouth had probably never been opened in a smile. Still Jin thought he was stunning. "Maybe we can meet up after school?"

"Sure. My house or your house?" Jin asked cheerfully.

"Yours please." Jimin answered. He didn't meet Jin's eyes.

"Alright meet me in the hall by the entrance after school." Jin said and gave a smile.

"Okay." Jimin answered and didn't return the smile. Instead he turned around and walked out. Jin thought it was a bit odd but he was looking forward to talking to Jimin some more. So after school Jin walked to Jimin who stood patiently waiting.

"Shall we?" Jin asked and Jimin nodded. They walked home to Jin in silence so the sounds of the town they lived in filled up Jin's mind. When they came to his house Jimin stopped. He looked at it with wide eyes. "What?"

"This looks like something a Queen and a King would live in." Jimin said and followed Jin to the door and inside. "Or at least consider to live in." It would have been a witty remark if it hadn't been for the emotionless face Jimin wore.

"Well I guess my parents have enough money." Jin said and lead Jimin to his room. They sat on the bed and started to talk about the project which would take weeks to make and before they knew it Jimin had to go home. They deiced to work on it after school the following day. As Jin fell asleep he thought about Jimin. He really never smiled but he kept making witty remarks that suprised Jin and he fell alseep thinking about him.
The next day Jin sighed quietly as he had forgotton an umbrella and it was raining outside. Jimin would come at any moment and they would have to walk home in the rain. When Jimin came he apologized but Jimin said he didn't mind. As soon as they got home to Jin, he hurried to find some clothes he could wear. It was a blue sweater and some sweatpants that didn't fit him at all. Jin had never seen him wear anything but black and always long sleeves so it was weird to see him like that. The started to work on the project and again Jin fell asleep thinking of him.
The following weeks they worked hard on the project at least three times a week after school. At the same time Jin started to fall harder and harder for Jimin and was soon completly lost in him. One day they were sitting on Jin's bed facing each other. Jin was sitting with his back against the wall and Jimin sat close enough for Jin to be able to pull him in if he wanted to. Jin's thoughts were in complete chaos as he looked at Jimin. He had decided to tell Jimin that he liked him. He knew it was a risk because he had no idea how Jimin felt about him but it was a risk worth taking. So when they fell into a hole about the project Jin stopped.

"Jimin I want to tell you something." Jin said and Jimin looked up on him.

"Yeah?" Jimin asked and waited for Jin to continute. Jin put away their project and Jimin watched him do it. He cleared his throat and his heart was beating hard in his chest.

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