Yoonseok (sweet)

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"I always thought we were meant to be." The same words over and over that lingered in Yoongi's head. Spoken by the boy that made him feel safe. Hoseok. It had been hours since he had said the words but Yoongi couldn't get them out of his head. His response had left whatever was between them broken and hurt. Both had cried, both had felt the pain.
Yoongi had walked around in the city for hours now and still felt terrible. He and Hoseok had known each other for years. They had been there for each other throughout most things. Hoseok was bright, positive and could make everyone in his presence happy. Yoongi always knew he was very fond of him. The way he talked with people, his high pitched screams, his laugh. He had probably liked him for years without realising and when he did, he tried to push it away. Yoongi himself thought that he was quite the opposite. He only smiled when he simply couldn't help it, he wasn't bright as much as he brought the mood down. He didn't make people smile. He had anixity and kept to himself. If he could help it, he wouldn't even talk in public.
How the two of them had become so close was still a mystery to Yoongi. They had been very young, barely teenagers. Hoseok like most people had approched Yoongi. He sat down and talked to him despite Yoongi being careful to talk to him. He came back the next day and talked to him again and so slowly a friendship had formed. It was when they both weren't teenagers anymore Yoongi finally acknowledged to himself that he had feeling for Hoseok, though never in his wildest dreams would he tell him. Hoseok went on a few dates while they were teenagers but at that time it only bothered Yoongi a little. Niether of them stuck anyway. Hoseok stopped dating somewhere along the way and Yoongi didn't ask why. They continuted their close friendship and more often than not people thought they were a couple. It annoyed Yoongi as he could feel the blood rush to his cheeks but if Hoseok noticed, he never said anything.
Then came that day, the day that caused them both pain and was the reason why Yoongi was walking around in the city for hours. Hoseok had sat infront of Yoongi on the couch in Hoseok's apartment. He looked nervous and Yoongi kept wondering why but didn't mention it. Then Hoseok cleared his throat like he was gonna make some big speach and he looked at Yoongi with soft eyes.

"Yoongi, I like you. Like more than a friend. I have for a long time now and I can't keep quiet anymore. You mean everything to me and you have for years. You make me feel happy and comfortable, like I never have to change who I am because you accept me for everything I am." He had said it all with growing confidence while Yoongi couldn't believe his own ears. "Yoongi I want to be your boyfriend." Hoseok said and reached over and grabbed Yoongi's hand. A few times they had hold hands before but mainly Yoongi tried not to get too much physical contact because it always made his heart pound harder than it needed to.
For several seconds Yoongi didn't answer. His head was spinning and even though it should be simple, it really wasn't. He had let go of Hoseok's hand slowly and Hoseok had frowned.

"Hoseok, you deserve so much better. Someone who's like you. Someone who's bright and happy. Not someone like me who sucks the energy out of the room. In the end you would hate being with me, I'm insecure when it comes to my feelings involing other people. I have anixity and sometimes I get sad for no reason at all. I always worry about something. I'm not good at opening up to people. I'm sorry but you can't be my boyfriend." Yoongi had said it with sadness filling him up. He could feel their friendship cracking as he said it. Hoseok's face turned sad and he looked down, tears falling from his eyes.

"I just thought-you liked me back. I thought we were perfect for each other. We're diffrent I know that but you make me happy and all those things might apply to other people but I never thought they applied to me. I thought-we made each other complete." Hoseok had said his voice cracking. Yoongi couldn't fight all his own tears and a few escaped. "I always thought we were meant to be." Yoongi knew the things he said hurt but he wanted Hoseok to be happy and he could never really be happy with Yoongi.

"Well I don't think we're meant to be." Yoongi had said it and the moment the last word escaped his lips, he felt their friendship being broken and hurt. Hoseok didn't say anymore, he just cried. Yoongi was so hurt himself and could hardly breath in Hoseok's presence. He stood up and walked out. Hours later he still hadn't sat down. Everything was wrong. He felt the most precious thing in his life slip out of his hands. In a moment he was filled with rage towards himself. Why did he have to ruin the best thing in his life. Hoseok was by far the person who meant the most to him. Yoongi cursed himself for protecting his heart against the person who hadn't hurt it once since they became friends. Hoseok had said he didn't think that the things Yoongi said applied to him and it didn't. Yoongi stopped walking not caring how many people it annoyed. He turned around and knew what he had to do. He ran back towards Hoseok. He needed him and wanted him. The only person that didn't make him feel like he was broken and a mess up. As he turned a corner, he spotted him. He was walking around looking like he was looking for someone. In a moment Hoseok locked eyes with Yoongi and Yoongi ran to him. As soon as he reached him, he pulled him into a hug.

"I'm so sorry Hoseok. We are meant to be. I know we are." Yoongi said into his shoulder. He pulled away and looked at Hoseok who seemed like he didn't know if he should cry or smile. "I know what I said hurt you and it was all a lie. Hobi I'm scared okay? I've never been with anyone before and I-I'm not sure how to be in a relationship but I've liked you for years. You're right in what you said. We make each other complete because we are diffrent. No one makes me smile the way you do but you know me too. I'll have days were I'm sad for no reason and I'll have anixity attacks and I-" Hoseok cut him off with pulling Yoongi into a kiss. It was sweet and it felt like it healed whatever was broken between them. When they pulled away Hoseok held Yoongi tightly.

"It's okay to be scared. I'll help you and hold you whenever you feel scared. I'll be there for you the days you feel sad or have an anixity attack. Through everything I'll be there for you." Hoseok said and it made Yoongi feel warm inside. "Yoongi I just want to be with you, all of you. Including the things you think are mistakes about yourself. Which I know they aren't." Hoseok said and Yoongi felt so greatful for him.

"Thank you." Yoongi said and hugged him again. When they pulled away, Hoseok took his hand.

"Come on, let's go home to my apartment." Hoseok said and Yoongi let him guide him. When they came home, they spend the day figuring out how to act now as a couple. They had been so close before and Yoongi found the only diffrence really was the fact they could cuddle and kiss. He felt himself being happier than he use to with Hoseok now not having to fight his feelings anymore and he felt as light as a feather. When he looked into Hoseok's eyes, he knew for certain that he never would love anyone as much or in the way he loved Hoseok and Hoseok looked into Yoongi's eyes knowing the exact same thing.

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