Kookiemonster (sad)

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This is part 2 for the latest Kookiemonster ^.^

A week went by and Namjoon was heartbroken. He felt terrible and could hardly understand himself why he held onto it so much. He didn't hear anything from Jungkook the first two days after. Then one day he stood in the door together with two of his friends. Namjoon thought he was coming back but his heart broke even more as he told him he was there to get his stuff. Namjoon let them come inside and went out to grab a smoke. He tried despreatly not to cry but it seemed impossible. He loved Jungkook so much and he simply didn't know what to do. He went inside after he had finished his smoke and saw as they were almost done packing. He looked at Jungkook who didn't seem to look all that happy either. He looked like he had cried and his hair was a mess. His clothes was wrinkled and he was avoiding Namjoon with his eyes. He wanted to say something to him. Ask him to stay. Tell him he loved him. But he knew Jungkook wouldn't take any of that unless he stopped smoking so he stayed silent. When they were all packed up Jungkook took a deep breath and finally looked at Namjoon.

"I would appriciate if you would delete my number." Jungkook said and got tears in his eyes.

"I will." Namjoon said defeated. Jungkook nodded and they took his stuff and walked out in the hall. Namjoon couldn't take it he needed to say something more. He walked to the door and called Jungkook's name. He turned around and looked at him with sad eyes. "I'm sorry. For everything."

"Me too." Jungkook said and turned around and left. Namjoon closed the door and let all his tears out. He hated himself for not being able to just quit and for letting Jungkook go. He dragged himself to bed and saw the stuff that had been removed. It made the apartment feel empty and Namjoon turned around and cried into his pillow until he fell asleep with a broken heart.
Another week went by and Namjoon felt so empty it was hard to describe. He tried going to a club with his friends, having fun. He found a boy who seemed to like him and he kissed him but when it came down to who's place they were gonna go to Namjoon couldn't do it. He went home alone and sad. He didn't like smoking anymore as it reminded him of Jungkook. He did is less and out of habit. His breathing troubles seemed to get better as he smoked less. One more week went by when he decided to quit smoking. He promised himself to stop. To find Jungkook again and tell he had stopped. He didn't know how he hadn't realised before but Jungkook had been his happiness for so long. He didn't care if he had to beg on his knees for him to come back. He would do anything. He threw all his cigarettes into the trash and washed his smoking jacket. He decided to buy some of that gum that was meant to help and started his new life style. The first few days went by fine, then he was over at a friend's and fell into it again. He felt horrible at best and started again to stop. A month went by and now it was almost two months since they broke up. Namjoon had stopped smoking completely, only fallen in a couple of times and honestly he felt better. He sort of missed the relaxing feeling but that was it. He missed Jungkook way more. He hoped everyday that he would see him. As aksed he had deleted his number when he had gotton his stuff. One day he walked in a shopping mall and looked around. Then finally he saw him. He was sitting on a bench looking down on his phone. A rush of nervousness went through Namjoon but he approched him.

"Jungkook?" Namjoon said when he was close enough. Jungkook looked up and a flash of hurt went through his eyes.

"Namjoon." Jungkook said and looked at him.

"Can I sit down?" Namjoon asked.


"Please." Namjoon begged.

"Alright." Jungkook agreed. Namjoon sat down next to Jungkook.

"Jungkook I quit smoking. For good. I haven't smoked in a month. Not one time." Namjoon said and hoped to see Jungkook's face light up but it didn't. "Aren't you happy? We can be together again. I know I hurt you and you have no idea how sorry I am. I fell alseep crying so many nights and I don't know why I didn't realise before that but you mean the world to me and I don't care about smoking as much as I care about you. Please say something." Namjoon begged as Jungkook just looked sad.


"Hey babe." An unfamiliar voice sounded. The guy leaned down and kissed Jungkook. Namjoon watched the scene and felt his heart shatter all over. Jungkook had moved on.

"Hey." Jungkook said a little awkward. "Hoseok this is Namjoon." Jungkook said and the guy's face dropped slightly.

"Oh should I give you a moment alone?" The guy asked and Jungkook nodded.

"If you don't mind." Jungkook said and the guy walked away leaving them.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realise. You moved on so quick-"

"I'm really sorry Namjoon." Jungkook cut him off. "I was so sad too so my friends took me to a club and I met Hoseok. He was so nice and I fell for him." He didn't owe him to tell Namjoon that but Namjoon was happy he did.

"It's okay Jungkook it really is. I didn't treat you right. I realised too late how much you mean to me. How important you are in my life. It's my fault. Don't feel bad." Namjoon said and felt a lump in his throat. "Are you happy with him? He treat you good?"

"I am and yes he does." Jungkook said with tears in his eyes.

"Then I'm happy too. You deserve that." Namjoon said even though it was killing him to say he meant it. "I should probably get going." Namjoon said and stood up. Jungkook mirrored his actions. Before he left Jungkook grabbed his hand.

"Namjoon-I'm really happy you stopped smoking and I'm sorry for all the things I said. I hope you live long and have a happy life. You're a great guy and you were a good boyfriend, you'll find someone. I know you will and you will be happier than we were." Jungkook said and Namjoon gave him a little smile.

"You made me happier than I've ever been so I doubt that but thank you." Namjoon said and tear went down Jungkook's cheek. Namjoon dried it away with his thumb. "I'm sorry I didn't mean for you to cry. I'm just not over you yet, I will someday and you're right I'll find someone else and be happy." Namjoon said. Before he knew it Jungkook was hugging him tightly. Namjoon hugged him back. He didn't know how long they stood like that but it made Namjoon feel better.

"I'm sorry for everything." Jungkook said when he pulled away.

"Me too." Namjoon said and dried some more tears away from Jungkook's face. "I hope you live a long and happy life too." Namjoon said and they let go off each other. The guy had come over to them and Namjoon looked at him. "Make sure not to lose Jungkook, he is one of the kind." Namjoon said and the guy nodded.

"Bye Namjoon." Jungkook said with mushy voice probably from the tears he tried to hold back.

"Bye Jungkook." Namjoon said. He turned around and dried his own tears away. It was hard for them both. They had been together a long time but it was the end and Namjoon knew it. He took a deep breath and kept walking. He stopped at a place they sold cigarrets and looked inside. He shook his head and moved on. Even though he needed more time to get over Jungkook, he knew they couldn't be saved. Not anymore. A sort of clarity fell over him and he felt more at peace than he had in a long time. It felt good and for the first time he didn't even want the feeling a cigarret could give him. He was over with it, left it behind. He smiled a little to himself, now he could focus on being happy on his own and that was exactly what he needed.

I hope you all liked it ^.^

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