Vmon (sweet)

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This is connected to the last Yoonmin ^.^

Jimin had sat himself and Namjoon down on his couch a while after the others two had left. He had looked only half sad as he told Namjoon that he wanted to break up because he liked someone else. Namjoon had said he of course were sad but that he understood. Jimin should follow his heart. After Jimin left he texted Yoongi saying they were going to meet at the party instead of meeting up before it. Namjoon took a nap and ate a quick meal before getting ready for the party. When he entered he saw Yoongi looking at his phone and decided to go over to him.

"Hey." Yoongi said and Namjoon grunted back as an answer, trying to see if Jimin had told him, they had broken up. "What's wrong?" It seemed Jimin hadn't told him.

"Jimin broke up with me." Namjoon said and Yoongi seemed genuine shocked. 

"Why and when?" Yoongi asked like his head was filled with too many things.

"He says we're not a good match. He likes someone else. Like I guess he's right. We're good enough but not really perfect. The sex was out of this world but that was really it. I'm sad of course. I liked Jimin, a whole lot. I just hope whoever he has feelings for understands, how of an amazing person he is and treat him better than me. Oh and he broke up in the afternoon." Namjoon said and Yoongi shook his head slightly.

"I-woaw-Namjoon that's a lot. I-"

"Don't think about it." Namjoon cut him off to spare him for lying.

"But I-"

"Oh hey!" Namjoon said and pretended he saw someone he knew. "Listen I'll catch up with you later." Namjoon said and walked into the crowd. He waited a little while before placing himself in the corner of the party. He really wasn't all that sad, Jimin was amazing but they just weren't right.

"Hey are you okay?" Taehyung asked Namjoon as he suddenly appeared from the crowd.

"Jimin broke up with me." Namjoon answered and felt only a hint of sadness again.

"Oh." Taehyung said with a flash of hope.

"Yeah he likes someone else. I'm guessing Yoongi." Namjoon answered and looked at Taehyung. He had known for a while Taehyung liked him or at least admired him. His eyes were a bit more loving when he was looking at Namjoon and he always found a way to touch him in some way.

"Yeah and Yoongi likes him." Taehyung said and placed a hand on Namjoon's shoulder.

"I know. They are good together so I hope they figure that out." Namjoon said. He looked at Taehyung. He definitely had a soft spot for the younger but he wasn't sure it was in an romantic way even though he had to admit Taehyung was very handsome and charming.

"I'm sure they will." Taehyung said and smiled at Namjoon. "I hope it doesn't get awkward between the four of us now."

"I'm sure we'll be fine. I accept them as a couple and the two of us has always gotten along." Namjoon said and Taehyung seemed to like hearing that.

"You know, I always found you charming." Taehyung said and moved closer.

"Tae." Namjoon sighed. "I'm not gonna lie, I've thought about how it would feel to kiss you. Especially right now but it wouldn't be right. I don't like you in the same way you like me. I'm sorry."

"Joonie, I don't care. I'm not gonna put anymore into the kiss than necessary. I'm not some innocent little boy, I know you don't like me like that but I still want to kiss you." Taehyung said and Namjoon looked at him. He guessed he did think of Taehyung all innocent but he really wasn't.

"You promise not to go all crazy on me?" Namjoon asked and slowly turned them around and backed them into a wall.

"Don't think that I'm that into you." Taehyung teased and Namjoon smiled.

"Alright fine." Namjoon said and they leaned in. Taehyung put his arms around Namjoon's neck and Namjoon pushed him into the wall. They kissed with a passion Namjoon had never felt with Jimin. It made his whole body feel electric, and Namjoon was at wonder as he had never felt that before.
Taehyung opened his mouth and their tongue's met. They grabbed at each other's clothes and let their hands run over the others body, though Namjoon wouldn't take it that far. Not tonight.
Taehyung pulled Namjoon in and their bodies were pressed together. Taehyung ran his hair through Namjoon's hair while Namjoon grabbed Taehyung's ass. He squeezed it and he could feel Taehyung get excited, so he pulled away.

"Wait, I don't want to go that far." Namjoon stopped and knew Taehyung would know what he meant.

"That's okay. I just got caught up in the moment." Taehyung said and placed a kiss in the corner of Namjoon's mouth.

"I gotta say though, it felt really good kissing you." Namjoon said and looked at Taehyung's gentle eyes. He wondered if something might be blossoming between them and decided to explore it for a little while.

"Well I agree on that statement." Taehyung said and smiled. He wrapped his arms around Namjoon's neck again and pulled him in. They kissed a little less passionate but still it gave Namjoon that electric feeling inside. When they pulled away Namjoon couldn't help, but to let his finger run over Taehyung's lip.

"I want to spend all night with you." Namjoon announced and it made Taehyung smile.

"Well I'm not going to argue with that." Taehyung said and smiled. They pulled away from the wall and went to the kitchen to get something to drink. Namjoon looked around looking after Jimin and Yoongi but either they left or they were outside or upstairs, probably having sex. Though Namjoon wasn't mad or annoyed about it at all. He had had the feeling that for some time now, Jimin had liked Yoongi and Yoongi felt the same. He wanted them to be together. His and Jimin's relationship never really got that deep. He knew he should have broken up with Jimin, when he found out but oddly enough he never really thought about it.
Not that it mattered now. He decided to just have a good time with Taehyung and explore the new connection between them, he thought he might feel. They placed themselves in the living room, where Namjoon pulled Taehyung down on his lap.

"I want you close tonight." Namjoon said into Taehyung's ear and Taehyung began to smile.

"That kiss really did something huh?" Taehyung said seeming happy about that fact.

"Yeah it sure did." Namjoon said. "Though I don't want you to think anything just yet. I'm not going to deny, I feel different towards you but I just gotta figure out in what way."

"That's fine with me. Take all the time you need and if it helps kiss me all you like as well." Taehyung said with a glimpse of happiness and hope in his voice.

"I will." Namjoon said and turned Taehyung's head. They kissed sweetly this time and it made butterflies appear in Namjoon's stomach. When Taehyung pulled away, Namjoon lead him into another kiss. They kissed for quite a while and now Namjoon could hardly deny the connection he felt. He not only wanted to kiss and make love to Taehyung, he wanted to cuddle up with him and ask how his day had been. He wanted to be able to call him with good or bad news. He knew that he was surely but safely falling for Taehyung. "I want to take you on a date tomorrow."

"Sure, I got no plans." Taehyung smiled and Namjoon promised to pick him up.
They sat like that most of the night, kissing and talking. At one point Yoongi and Jimin came down from upstairs laughing about something, while Yoongi had his arm around Jimin's shoulder. Jimin seemed to have asked him a question but Namjoon and Yoongi had locked eyes. He knew they had been off having sex but it really didn't bother him. Yoongi looked nervously but Namjoon only smiled and gave a little nod, as to say it was okay. Yoongi smiled back and nodded back. He said something to Jimin and they went outside, probably to go back to either one of their apartments. Namjoon looked at Taehyung and smiled. Whatever was happing between Taehyung and him, it was new and exciting in a way he didn't feel with Jimin. He knew he truly was falling for Taehyung and he couldn't wait to see what would happen between them. He smiled to himself and thought about the weird and eventful day.
A month later when Namjoon and Taehyung were boyfriends and Jimin and Yoongi were as well, it didn't feel weird at all, it just felt right. Like it was meant to be like that all along, and he knew that the four of them were all happy being in the right relationship and, he wouldn't change any of that for anything in the world.

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