Chapter 13: The search continues

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A/N: you all continue your search for the Namekian Dragon Balls aggregate saving the Namekian child known as Dende. Only problem is that vegeta us searching for them now too.

In a Namekian village not yet discovered by frieza of any of her men, there was a large group of villagers outside just enjoying themselves. One of them was just getting through telling a story to the younger ones.

Namekian Villager 1: And that’s the story of the great drought.

Vegeta soon landed in the middle of the village. They all looked to her direction.

Namekian Villager 2: Hey look, a visitor!

Namekian Villager 3: Oh, boy! We love visitors!

Namekian Elder: Now, now, don't crowd the young lady. Why, hello, madame! Welcome to our fine village! You look like you're not from around here. You have to be careful, word through the grapevine has it that some unruly characters have been going around and attacking our villages. By the way, would you like to see our DragonBall? It's our prized possession, sacred on this planet. So, what brings you to our village?

Vegeta turned her attention to the house where the dragon ball was in and started to smirk.

Vegeta: well if you really want to know.....

10 minutes later.

Vegeta was walking away from the now destroyed village, showing many deceased Namekians on the ground and the sound of a fire burning along with the voice of a Namekian screaming in pain was heard.

Vegeta: Life sure has a way of working itself out. I find Cui, I kill Cui. I find Dodoria, I kill Dodoria. I find this DragonBall.

She threw the DragonBall into a lake so no one would try to find it.

Vegeta: I take this DragonBall. Let's see what else I can find...

But as vegeta tried thinking of things for her to find she started to think of something else. You. She started to growl in frustration.

Vegeta: gggrrr! Why do I keep thinking about him?!

She left the destroyed Namekian village.

Vegeta: It's probably my mind just reminding me to kill him first then kakarot.

She continued to fly away.


You and the others made it back to Bulma with the Namekian child you all saved from bring killed.

Bulma: oh good your all back.

Krillin: yep, and we saved this little Namekian kid here.

Gohan: he was almost close to getting killed.

(Y/N): what's your name little one?

Dende: my name is Dende. I thank you for saving me but..........

He was quiet as he remembers the other Namekians as well as his family.

(Y/N): I'm sorry for your loss little one. But we'll make sure that the deaths of the Namekians won't be in vain.

Dende: you mean it?

(Y/N): yes.

Bulma: once we use to dragon balls on this planet to revive our friends who died on earth, then we can use them to revive all of those who were killed here.

Logan: we just gotta find all seven of them to do that first.

(Y/N): I know of one place we can look. One place I know for a fact frieza and her men haven't sent yet.

Logan: where?

Dende: wait, do you mean.....

(Y/N): yes, the home of the Grand elder guru.

A/N: oh boy........

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