Chapter 33: Wishing everyone off namek

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A/N: as you and goka continue your battle with cooler, everyone who was killed in namek was brought back to life thanks to popo wishing the dragon on earth. Now they use the dragon balls to get everyone except you, goka and cooler off the planet before it explodes.

While the battle with you and goka against cooler had been going in king kai had Mr popo wish to the Shenron on earth to revive everyone who was killed by frieza and her men.

(On namek).

The namekian dragon, Porunga emerged from the water, now back to life. Back at Guru's house, Guru had woken up, revealing that he wasn't entirely dead.......yet.

Guru: Aaaah! Oh. Oh... right. I stopped my heart for a couple minutes there.

He noticed namek nearing complete and total destruction.

Guru: Oh, God, global warming? Naaaaaaiiillll!!!

(At a Namekian village).

all of the Namekians were waking up, being brought back to life by Shenron. Especially mouri.

Mouri: Ah, why is my neck so stiff?

(At Vegeta's grave spot).

Vegeta emerged from her grave and gasped for air.

Vegeta: When there's no more room in hell, VEGETA SHALL WALK THE...

She noticed the destruction of Namek and it's approach to being blown up

Vegeta ...other hell, what the hell?

Vegeta's mind: Well, I have my clothes back..... so at least that's a start.

Vegeta: could it be that I'm alive?

Vegeta then punched herself in the chest and when she did, she felt the pain and fell to the ground.

Vegeta: Argh! Augh! Y.......y.....yes! I'm alive!

During this, Dende had gotten up as well after he was killed by frieza earlier.

Dende: I'm alive? I'm alive! And...

He notice Porunga in the distance.

Dende: And I have an idea.


The battle continued to rage on as you and goka both rammed straight into cooler and buried him in a hole hundreds of feet underground before he flew out of the hole, which exploded with lava.

Cooler: not bad, I actually felt that one. But not enough.

Goka: And you're nothing but an overgrown that thing Chi-Chi keeps in her drawer!

Goka's mind: Man, Cooler's stronger than ever in this form. And that dark magic as well.

Cooler then turned his head.

Cooler: What?

He looked and noticed Porunga. You all saw him as well.

Goka: I see, the others used the dragon balls on earth.

Cooler: no one's granting any wishes here!

He flew to the direction of Porunga to try and destroy the dragon balls. However, you caught up to him and blocked his path.

(Y/N): oh no you don't! Your not getting away with this one!

You knocked him back with a dragon claw.

Cooler: it won't matter once this planet explodes anyway.

(Back with Vegeta).

She was flying through the sky while trying to find a way to get off the planet.

Vegeta's mind: All right, I know one of the Ginyu's ships must be around here somewhe....

She then saw you and goka battling it out with cooler.

Vegeta: Yeah, I think I'ma stay away from that one.

She then noticed the badly damaged frieza flying through the air trying to get away as well.

Vegeta: That, however. Mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine...

(Back to you).

Cooler was dodging some of Goka's attacks and proceeded to kick her in the chest.

Goka: Ah, my Gotens!

Cooler tried to fire at the Namekian Dragon Balls but you then sunk your jaws into his arm and started to pull into another direction away from the dragon balls.

Cooler: annoying little lizard! Release me!

He started to swat at your head with his tail but you caught it with yours and pulled on it really hard. That's when Porunga spoke.

Porunga: Your wish has been granted.

Both: ?!

The Namekians started disappearing.

Cooler: What? What's going on?! I didn't wish for anything!

Dende: Down here!

Cooler looked down and saw, Dende, who was beaming proudly.

Cooler: I knew my sister failed to kill all you Namekian slugs off!

Dende: there's nothing you can do about it now!

Cooler fired a blast at Dende, but the latter poofed away before it hit. Frieza was still flying through the air as she was still looking for her ship. But that's when she heard a familiar voice.

Vegeta: Hey Frieza!

Frieza looked and saw vegeta.

Frieza: what?!

Vegeta: Hope you're ready to party, because it's Vegeta clo....

Vegeta disappeared before she could attack Frieza.

Frieza's mind: I need to get off this planet before I lose my mind.

Frieza:..............mommy, I don't want go be on namek anymore.

A/N: momma's girl.

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