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|Brock Pov|

She came to this starbucks everyday. Not once did she miss it. The same time at 11 AM Everyday.

She wore a bright F/C dress today. She wasn't smiling like usu but instead a frown was placed on her face. "Bad day?" I asked her. She nodded.

"My boyfriend dumped me, I got fired, I almost died...I'm just happy to see you Brock" She said.

"Hey I look forward to seeing you everyday" I told her smiling. "Thanks" She said. "So...the Usual?" I asked her. She smiled and nodded.

"Yeah...Yeah. Of course" She said looking through her bag. "What?!" She asked. "Is something wrong?" I asked her.

"Yeah...My wallet is gone as is everything else, My Keys, my wallet!" She said. "Well...How about this. I will pay for your coffee and after I get off of work you will stay at my house?" I asked. She smiled and nodded.

"Really? Thank you so much" "My pleasure" I said making her usual F/D. I gave it to her and got back to work. She smiled at me as she waited for me.

Vanoss And Friends X Reader One-shots{Complete} Under EditingWhere stories live. Discover now