Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Kenley: The whole ride home I was on my phone ignoring Luke. I looked back and saw the boys were asleep. "Kenley I'm sorry." "I don't know Luke..." "I'm telling you I love you." "I know you've told me but I just can't deal with that." "Kenley I'm done with Caroline. I will have so much time for you and the boys. Please think about it, think about us." "It's almost like you're setting me up to kill myself." "Please just think, don't do anything you'll regret." "I will." "Oh and what's this? I thought you didn't have a boyfriend?" "I don't." He handed me the piece of paper. "Luke where did you... You went through my bag! What the heck? Why?" "I dunno I just..." "Luke don't even. I'm just sick of people. Luke I trusted you. But you apparently don't trust me. Do you need to check my phone too?" "Don't be ridiculous. I was just wondering. So who is that guy?" "A really clingy ex-boyfriend that I had a long time ago. I forgot about that note and so I didn't throw it away. Okay? Does that please you?" "Seriously Kenley? Don't be a brat." "Oh so now I'm the brat. I'm not the one that freaked out when someone was checking me out." "Hey..." "No Luke. There were a million girls looking you over and I never said a word." "Really?" "Yeah really. I would've cared less if some girl came up and asked for a picture or autograph but when a guy came up to me, for my number. You freaked out and threatened to kill the guy, in front of your kids." "Okay I get it. I'm a bastard. I'm the worst one that has ever lived. Ya know what? Just for that act of stupidity you're goin to dinner with me." "No, I'm not going." "Kay suit yourself. I'll just pick up another girl that would be happy to go with me. We can have a few drinks. Cuddle, watch a movie, kiss, get her number in my phone. Ya know all that lovey dovey stuff. But hey, if you're not interested that's fine." He is definitely trying to get me. Nope not gonna work. "Luke no." "Ya know what? It is getting really hot. Let me pull over really quick..." He pulled over in a ditch and unbuckled himself. Luke took his shirt off. "Are you done?" "Nope. Hey can you help me with this?" "I am not touching you. You even made a rule." "I'm giving you permission. And if you don't I guess I'm just gonna have to give you some old fashioned southern lovin." "Okay, okay, I will unbuckle your pants." I reached forward and stuck my hand out. Luke moved really fast and I ended up touching his guy part. "Luke stop." I grabbed his buckle and started to undo it when he reached forward and leaned down so he was practically laying on my back. "Luke you're sorta crushing me." He leaned back up and scooted along the seat so he was touching me with his knees, then he stretched out and layed down so he was on his back. "Luke you are making this a million times harder than it should be." "I try." He said with a smirk on his face. So just to make him go a little crazy I hovered over top of him so my face was right above his. He started making a pucker face and I just rolled my eyes. I stuck my hands on his belt buckle and then he pulled me on top of him. "Luke what are you doing?" "You'll see." He smirked. He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me even closer. And he started humping me. I couldn't move cuz he had a grip around me. Then he started kissing my whole face. "Luke it looks like we're having sex." "That's not a bad thing right?" He put a finger over my mouth and grabbed my bottom lip with his teeth. He let go and started kissing me with tons of passion. I leaned out but he pulled me in. I stuck my hand down to his buckle again. He started humping me again. Now it wasn't so bad cuz neither of us were naked but it was still weird. To get him to stop I grabbed his crotch. He stopped kissing me and stopped his little humps. "Luke you need to stop. You are turning me on. And we are not having an affair!" He made a purring noise then licked his lips. This time he went for my neck. I pushed myself off of him and sat up. He moved his legs and scooted me up against my window. "Whatever you are thinking don't do it."


Do you think Kenley likes this or do you think she's getting annoyed?

Thanks for all the reads!! 😘

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