Chapter 101

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Chapter 101

Luke: *5 months later* "Makenna Sky! I got it Luke!" "I love it baby. Now what color for our bedroom?" "Grey and the accent wall...coral." "You sure?" "Yes Luke." I leaned forward and kissed her. "So the boys like their rooms?" "I haven't been able to pull them away from their Lego walls yet." "Luke how did you even think of that?" "It just came to me." "You were on my Pinterest weren't you?" "How'd you know?" "I know all." I leaned forward, dodging the huge baby bump, and wrapped my arms around her waist. "It's hard to kiss you Luther..." "You're due in three days. Then we can kiss all you want." She smiled and leaned her head on my shoulder. Then all of a sudden she cringed over and held her stomach. "Kenley, are you alright?" "Yeah. I'm fine. Just the baby kicking. I think..." "Let me get you some lemonade. Go sit on the deck and I'll meet you out there." "Okay." She hobbled downstairs then outside. I poured us both a glass of lemonade and brought them outside. When I got out there she was standing over a chair. "Hey Luke, my water just broke... Lets go." "Okay. Alright. You'll be fine." "You're the one I'm worried about... I'm driving." I grabbed her bag then helped her into the car. I ran around to the passenger side and climbed in. Kenley made sure we were both buckled in then stepped on the gas. "Be careful baby." "Oh shush. I'll be careful as long as you don't pass out." "No promises." We got to the hospital and I grabbed her bag then took ahold of her hand. We got in the emergency doors and they gave her a wheelchair and I held her hand all the way down to the hospital room. They got her into a gown and I sat next to the bed holding her hand. Every time she had a contraction she would squeeze my hand and mutter something. Then when they started speeding up she was practically screaming. "Luke. Get. A. Doctor. Now!" I jumped up and poked my head out the door and yelled to the nurses. They checked Kenley and she was sweating really bad so one of the nurses pulled her hair back. She looked over at me with tired eyes. "Luke I need you here now more than ever." "I'm here baby girl." I leaned down and kissed her then the nurse told her she could push. She grabbed one of the nurses hands and mine. The doctor rushed in and threw a robe at me. "Come on daddy. Get your act together." Kenley pushed and pushed until we heard a little cry. Kenley and I both started bawling. "I love you so much Ken." "I love you more Luther." The nurse let me cut the cord then they let Kenley hold our baby girl. "A name?" Kenley looked up at me. "Ken, I don't think she's a Makenna..." "Makayla?" "Perfect." I leaned down and kissed her then the nurse took away Makayla. The nurse looked at Kenley. "So what's her name?" "Makayla Skye Bryan." She looked up at me then I smiled and kissed her. They got Kenley cleaned up then I sat down next to the bed. "How ya feelin momma?" "Tired. Really tired." "Take a nap. I'll let you know when they bring Kay back." "Kay?" "That or Mac?" "I like Kay." I smiled again then kissed her and leaned back in the chair. I grabbed my phone then sent a message to all our friends and family.

~Makayla Skye Bryan

21 inches 6lbs

Born at 6:12 pm

Y'all can come see her tomorrow!

Then I texted Mama to bring the boys so they could see Kenley and their baby sister. She replied,

~just call me!

I dialed her number and she picked up.

M=Leclaire L=Luke

M: Hello?

L: Hey mama.

M: When do you want me to bring them?

L: I know I said tonight but Kenley's gonna be sleeping while she's not feeding Kay so how bout tomorrow?

M: Sounds great but will you send a picture?

L: Of course mama. Love you.

M: Love you too.

As soon as I hung up the phone the nurse brought Kay back in. Kenley had been asleep for a few minutes so I just let her sleep. I took Kay out of the container they had her in and rocked her.


You guys like Skye a lot so I incorporated it into her name!☺

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