Chapter 67

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Chapter 67
Luke: *a week later* Kenley's been really stressed cuz we thought that we'd move up the wedding. Instead of having seven months she has four. Today Kenley is going dress shopping and I have to buy a tux. Carter, Austin, Drew, and Ben are coming with. Kenley is really nervous about everything going perfect and she's going so crazy that we haven't even had a makeout session in three weeks. I've tried to make the kiss longer but all it does is tense her up. I came down from our bedroom and checked my phone: 9:45am. "Luke I'm still not sure about watermelon pink or perseverance pink." "Uh, watermelon." "Good choice that will go perfect with the spearmint green." I walked over to the couch and sat next to her and wrapped my arm around her shoulder. I leaned in for a kiss but then Bo started yelling. "Mommy I need your help!" "With what baby?" "I can't get all the soap off my hands!" Kenley got up and ran upstairs to the bathroom. When she got up there I heard her laughing. I ran up and stepped into our bedroom. "Bo honey, that's our toothpaste dispenser not the soap." "Why would you put your toothpaste in a container?" "Because no one will get sick." I walked over to Bo and washed his hands with actual soap then Kenley returned back to her wedding plans. I walked the boys downstairs then grabbed Kenley's arm and pulled her into her office space. I set her on the desk then put my hand to her neck and kissed her. She tried to pull out but I pushed myself against her and I made it a long passionate kiss. When I leaned out Kenley smiled then looked down into her lap. "Baby what's wrong?" "Nothin Luke." "There's gotta be something. We haven't done anything lately." "I'm just too stressed because of this wedding. I'm putting my whole heart and soul into all the details and I just want it to be perfect." "It will be now go get that dress." "Yeah you're right. I'm marrying you. Now when you go to the tux store make sure you get the boys dress shirts, new pants, and suspenders. Oh and everybody is wearing cowboy boots. Which means you have to get a new pair and some for the boys." "I got it Kenley. Go get dressed so you won't be late for your dress appointment." "Kay, I love you." "Love you too baby."

Any suggestions??😁

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