Chapter 84

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Chapter 84

Luke: *the next day* I slept till like noon and Kenley left at 9. I wanted to make our last night sleeping together special so I went to the store and was getting everything I needed. I bought a dozen roses and a pack of rosepetals and a dozen candles. I grabbed chocolate covered strawberries and then headed back to the hotel. I put the strawberries in the mini fridge that was in our room then attempted to neatly put the pillows on the bed. Just then my phone went off.

L=Luke K=Kenley

L: Hey baby girl.

K: Hey Luke. So we just got done and we're heading out to lunch so I'll be back to you, Mr. Bryan, in about two hours.

L: Well before you come back, I need you to get a formal dress. Like long, but sexy.

K: Luke, what do you have planned?

L: I don't know...

K: Lutherrr

L: I really need a name for you...

K: I'm almost to the mall...

L: Good, pick up something for the honeymoon while you're there. If ya know what I mean.

K: Luke why do I need this dress?

L: Think. Now baby, I gotta go. Love you.

K: Luke where the hell do you "gotta go"?!

L: Secrets baby.

K: Secrets, secrets are no fun, unless you share with everyone!

L: I guess it'll be no fun... Now go find a sexy evening gown.

K: Love you Luther.

L: Love you too baby girl.

I jumped off the bed then got up to go take a shower.

Kenley: I got to the mall and went into this dress store with Joslin because everyone else went back to the hotel. "So you need sexy but long?" "Yeah. I don't want my vagina showing or my boobs hanging out." "Come on. It's your third to last day of being an un-married woman! Live a little!" "Maybe... But not like a stripper." "I'll try..." I was looking through racks and found a dress that may work then Joslin came over with five dresses. "Kay hottie let's get a dressing room." I rolled my eyes then followed her. The worker opened a stall for us and I thanked her. We went in and Joslin helped me get on the first dress. It was strapless and had a push up bra built in. My boobs popped up more than my Hooters uniform. "Um no." "Whatever." I tried on the second dress. It was a light mint color with rhinestones. The dress was strapless and it looked gorgeous. "This is it Jos." "We have four more..." "Nope this is it." "Okay. Where to now?" "Victoria's secret..." "Ooh are you getting a bit naughty..." "That's for me to know and Luke to find out." I winked at her then walked over to the cashier. Paid for the dress then we went separate ways in Victoria's Secret. I bought two sets of lingerie and three thongs. We walked out of the store with a bag in hand out to the car. I called Luke when we parked at the hotel.

L=Luke K=Kenley

L: Hey.

K: Hi. We're at the hotel.

L: Okay go to Joslins room and do your makeup and hair and put on your dress then I'll pick you up at 7.

K: Okay, considering that it's only four I'm guessing that were going out for supper?

L: Yep. So I will see you in a while baby girl. Cause I have to get ready too.

K: Luke, I sware if you come to pick me up in something casual I'm gonna have to kick your ass.

L: If it makes you happy I'm wearing a tux.

K: It does make me happy.

L: Good. Well I got a crap ton of stuff to do, so talk to you later.

K: Bye. I love you.

L: I love you too.

Ugh. I have to do my hairrr... I was expecting for us to cuddle and watch movies, but no we have to act like billionaires. "Joslin, you like doing hair and makeup right?" "Yeah?" "Great you're doing mine." "Kay." We went into her room and she did my normal make up but put a silverish green eye shadow on. She curled my hair then put it up in a bun. I slid on my dress then put on heels. I checked the time... 7:04. Luke is almost always late... Just then I heard a knock at the door. "It's Luke!" "Honey I'll get it..." Joslin walked over and opened the door. I bent over and put my stuff in a clutch then looked at Luke. Stunning. We stood and looked at each other in the eyes forever. "Okay love birds... I have a boyfriend too people." Joslin practically pushed me over to Luke and he grabbed my arm and linked it with his. Joslin shut the door behind us and we started down the hallway. "How are you tonight Miss Davis?" "Fine. How bout yourself Mr. Bryan?" "Splendid now that I'm with you." "Can we drop the proper junk?" "I agree. I don't think I've used the word splendid since third grade when we had to read poems..." I giggled then looked at his eyes. "Luke your eyes have something sparkly tonight." "It's because I am marrying the love of my life in two days." "Oh shit..." "What?" "I left the honeymoon special in Joslin's room..." "You're gonna be there tomorrow anyways..." "True." He dropped his arm and grabbed my hand when we got to the elevator. "I forgot to tell you how gorgeous you look tonite Kenley." "You don't look too bad yourself Luke." "I spiked my hair and put on your favorite cologne." "I see that. I put on perfume and actually did my hair even though I didn't want to..." "You smell amazing." "Thanks? I think." He kissed my cheek then wiped it off on his hand. "What's wrong?" "Too much makeup." "I agree. But Joslin did it." "And it looks good, just tastes bad..." I giggled again then Luke pinned me up against the wall of the elevator. "Now now Luther. Three days till the honeymoon. Don't ruin it." He smirked then gently kissed me with passion. I leaned out and smiled. "Thank you for that." "You're very welcome." We got our of the elevator and walked into the lobby. As we were about to walk out the doors a limo pulled up. "Luke... This is..." "Perfect." "I was gonna say too much." "Oh well." He helped me get in then got in himself.


What do you think Luke has planned?

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