Chapter 29

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Chapter 29
Kenley: *a few hours later* It was four and Luke wasn't here yet. I called and texted him three times. No answer. I called again. 'Ring ring, ring ring' "hello?" "Thank God! Luke where are you?" "On the way to pick you up." "Okay get here. I love you." "Love you." I hung up then two minutes later Luke pulled in. I jumped in his truck and got buckled in. He pulled out and I never said a word. "Kenley what's wrong?" "What's wrong? Luke you were a half an hour late." "Yeah, sorry the boys just woke up and wanted to play." "Okay. If you didn't have kids I would've been pissed." "Kenley I know this is off topic but do you think we're ready to move into together?" "Luke..." "Nope it's okay you don't have to say anything. I'm rushing it I know." "Ya done?" "Yep." "I was gonna ask my brothers if you could come live with me but the boys would have to share a room." "Ahh they won't care." "My brothers are coming this weekend..." "Okay?" "Luke you don't understand. They are going to pick your brain to make sure you won't do anything wrong." "Okay I guess I won't say anything wrong." "Luke you don't understand they won't let you touch me until they know you're okay for me. That's why I'm going to the mall Saturday. You are going to be here with my brothers and I will be with friends. And whatever you do don't say anything about seeing me naked okay?" "Why will they kill me?" "No they'll hurt you then make sure you never see me again." "Oh." "Yeah. But don't be scared you're strong enough." Just as soon as we finished that conversation Luke pulled into my drive. "Luke I love you." "I love you too Kenley." "Oh and my brothers, they're gonna be here for supper." "Kenley!" "What? I didn't want you to worry about it..." "Okay whatever. I'm gonna take the boys home and get em cleaned up then we will be back okay?" "No. You're not leaving me. We will be fine. I will throw on an old tshirt and jeans. It will be fine." "Are you sure?" "Positive. But your dad might have to go..." "Oh I was gonna tell him to leave anyway." "Okay." We walked in and the boys were on the floor playing with Legos. "Kenley!" They both screamed at the same time then ran up and jumped on me. "Hey guys. What have you been doing today?" "Legos!" "Okay. Is it fun?" "Yeah! Come play!" "Okay." They drug me by the arms onto the floor. "Do you like my spaceship?" "Bo stop. I built that," Tate scolded. "I know but you gave it to me." "But you said that you would build me a robot." "I will." "Okay. Now." "Okay then." And Bo started building a robot. I got up and went to change when Tommy grabbed my wrist and looked at it. "How's it working?" "Great. Haven't in two days." "Good job. I told ya it would work." "That you did. I have to go change but I'll be right back." "Okay."

Do you think Kenley's cutting is going to stop since Luke is a part of her life now?

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