Chapter 79

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Chapter 79

Kenley: The boys kept asking me questions about why Luke stayed at Nana's but not them. "Well guys daddy didn't believe me so now he has to think about it. "Oh," they both said at the same time. I pulled into our driveway and the boys hopped out. I got out slowly and when I reached into the truck to hands were on my shoulders. I turned around and Carter was standing there. I wiped the tears from my eyes and carter wrapped me in a hug. "I'm sorry Luke is such an idiot." "How do you know?" "Luke called me right after you left. He told me to keep you company until he got home." "What's he doing?" "Dunno." "Okay well come on in. I'm sure Joslin will be happy to see you." He nodded his head and put his arm around my shoulder. We walked inside and he stopped me at the door. "What are you..." He grabbed my face and pecked me on the cheek. "Why?" "You needed comfort. You're tense." "Thanks?" I walked into the kitchen and Carter sat down at the island. "Want anything?" "A miller's fine." "Carter it's eleven in the morning!" "Yeah?" "Kay." I opened the fridge and grabbed him one then walked over to the pantry for lays. I reached down to grab the bag when someone came up and slapped my butt. I turned around and it was Joslin. "Why?" "You're looking good today." "Thanks?" She then walked over and sat on Carter's lap so she was facing him. They started making out but I walked over to Joslin and tapped her shoulder. "What?" "Little eyes. Take it to your room." She nodded then she grabbed Carter's beer and Carter picked her up bridal style. I sat down on the couch and put my head into a pillow and started crying. I sat there for ten minutes just crying until I felt a little hand on my shoulder. "Mommy?" "Yeah baby?" "What's wrong?" "Daddy's not home yet." "Yeah he is." "Where is he Bo?" "In the garage." "Thanks." I jumped up and darted to the garage. I opened the door and Luke was working on the bronco. He looked up at me and his eyes filled with tears. "Hey Lukey." "Hi. Kenley I'm sorry I was such an asshole for believing Drew instead of you." "Okay... But always remember you're my asshole." He wiped the tears from my cheeks and put his hands on either side of my face. He leaned forward and slowly kissed me with tons of passion. "Luke, I'm glad you came home." "Me too." "Guess what?" "Huh?" "We're getting married in two months!" "Can it come quicker? I want honeymoon time with my wife." "You don't really care about the ceremony part do you?" "Yeah it's just that I'm gonna enjoy the honeymoon more." "Honestly, so am I," I said with a wink. "Can I get a preview?" "Have you been good?" He nodded. "You haven't asked lately have you?" He shook his head. "Tomorrow. This shitty medicine makes me feel like crap." "I'll wait."


So they made up again... Any comments??

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