Chapter 41

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Chapter 41
Kenley: I made myself breakfast, a bowl of cereal, then cleaned my room and part of our storage room in the basement for Luke's stuff. As I was digging through boxes I heard the doorbell. I ran upstairs and opened the door then hugged Luke. I picked up Tate and put him on my back and carried him into the living room. I laid him down on the couch and Luke set Bo next to him. Me and Luke sat across from the boys. "Okay guys Kenley and I need to ask you a very important question." "So me and your dad have been talking and were wondering if you guys wanted to move here?" "Yes!" "Definitely!" "Okay then. Kenley do you have a spot for our stuff?" "Well everything's going in the two rooms right now. But I started cleaning out the basement." "Okay do you think we could carry the boxes into your room then go through them later?" "Sure. Now boys. Do you guys want to play with Austin?" "Yeah!" "Okay I'll go get him." I ran upstairs and went into Austin's room. He was still sleeping. I went over to him and called his name a few times: nothing, grabbed his cheeks: nope, hit his butt: nothing at all, kissed his cheek: "good morning beautiful." "Hello to you too." "Oh Kenley. What are you doing?" "Waking you up. I need you to babysit." "This early?" "It's almost nine o'clock." "Oh. I must have been up late." "Yeah ya really need to stop playing madden after dark." "Okay I'll get up only if you make me an omelet." "Deal. Extra cheese?" "You know me so well." I ran downstairs and made Luke, Ben, and Austin omelets. "Kay it's ready Austin!" He came downstairs and grabbed a glass of orange juice. Then walked over, grabbed his plate, and gave me a kiss on the cheek then went and sat in his man cave. Luke came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and leaned his head on my shoulder then kissed my head. He let go and followed Austin downstairs. "Thanks Luke." "Welcome." I rolled my eyes then turned on Disney channel for the boys then headed downstairs. I didn't really like it down here because there was playboy pictures framed everywhere. I heard the guys talking. "So do you know who Kenley really truly is?" "That depends." "She loves being outdoors whether its volunteering at an animal shelter or killing the biggest buck. She loves it. When we were younger Kenley would be the one driving the four-wheeler and she would drive through the biggest mud puddle she could find. To tell you the truth we all had an amazing life until Micah passed away." "Who's that?" I might have forgot to mention him to Luke. "The littlest Davis brother. He was only a year older than Kenley." "What happened?" "Well Kenley's told you about how our parents died right?" Luke nodded. "He was in the same car when it wrecked. There were no survivors. Micah was the happiest person." Austin started tearing up and so was I. "He could light up a room even if you just said his name and he wasn't even there. And our family doesn't really go public with the matter but the money our parents gave in the will went to a play set in memorial of him. When we need to think or just pray we sit on the park bench by the slide and watch the little kids enjoy themselves. And Kenley has always said that if she ever had a baby she would name him or her after Micah somehow. But this whole pregnancy thing popped up and now she's crushed. So please whatever you do, be there for her." "I will." "By the way if you want our blessing to marry Kenley you've got it." "That's awesome because I was thinking about it." "Now don't let her be late for her appointment." I quickly hurried up the stairs and went into the kitchen. Luke came up from the staircase and walked over to the sink and put his dish in the dishwasher. "Hey Luke are you ready to go?" "Yep lets go baby." "Austin you're watching the boys." "Kay, good luck Kenley." "Thanks."

Now that Luke has Austin's permission to marry Kenley... Do you think he's gonna propose soon or wait a while?

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