Chapter 31

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Chapter 31
Kenley: "Yeah. What is it?" "This box has something from every special memory when I was a kid in it. And my brothers made it for me when I turned thirteen. I have to wait till my wedding day to open it." "Oh. So you weren't suppose to see it?" "No I can I just can't open it." "Oh so it's sorta like a wedding gift?" "Exactly." We walked downstairs and I went to the kitchen for drinks. "Tommy, ya want anything?" "Nah I better get going." "Okay." "Hey dad, will you take the boys with you unless they wanna play by themselves later?" "No I wanna go to Nana's." "so dad will you take em?" "Yeah." "Daddy I wanna stay at Kenley's." "I know Tate but how bout you come back tomorrow? I'll have more toys for you to play with." "Okay Kenley." "It's a date." The boys and Tommy left. Me and Luke started making supper. "Hey Luke I'm not a very good cook." "It's okay. What are we making?" "Chicken Alfredo." "Okay. Do you have a recipe?" "Yeah right here." I set it down on the counter. He looked it over and got everything out of the fridge. "Seems easy." I grabbed the rest of the ingredients out of the cabinets. We mixed it up and put it in the oven then went and sat on the couch. "You're a good cook right?" "Yeah I'd like to think so. I learned everything from my mama." "Okay. I have to go fix some homemade applesauce. Do you wanna help?" "Sure." I grabbed a small pot and poured in some apple juice and water. Then put in five skinned and sliced mixed apples. I started mashing and Luke wanted to try. So I handed him the masher and he started pushing it into the apples. "Luke you're good at this." "Thanks." "No problem. I just heard a car door. Let me go check." I slipped on my moccasins and walked out. It was Austin. I ran up and hugged him. "Hey." "Okay so here's the deal. There's a guy Luke inside. You may recognize him but please don't judge." "Okay I'll try." "Thank you. Now how long are you staying?" "Um I don't know for a while. Me and Lydia broke up. We just kept drifting apart and we only talked to each other before we went to sleep so we broke up." "I'm sorry." "It's okay I get to see my little sister." I blushed then hugged him again. "I missed you." "I missed you too. We are gonna do our movie dates right?" "Duh! Those are never gonna end." "So this Luke guy, has he been married?" "Yeah and he has two amazing boys. Bo and Tate." "Okay, what does he do for a living?" "You'll see..." I opened the door and Austin walked in and put his stuff by the couch. Luke was still at the applesauce mashing. "Luke let me see if its done." I took a spoon and took some out. I tasted it and it was amazing. "Luke did you add anything to this?" "More apple juice." "Okay well it's really good." I grabbed another spoon and dipped it for him. "Yeah it is pretty good." Austin was getting jealous. He came and sat down by the island. Luke took the pan off the burner and put it into a glass bowl. Then Luke eventually realized that my brother was sitting there. "Luke this is Austin. Austin this is Luke." "Hi." "Nice to meet you." "So I heard your famous." "Yeah I sing." "Yep Kenley's a pretty big fan. When drunk on you came out she would walk around singing it." "Hey you should've seen Austin's obsession with Carrie Underwood. Geez he had a cardboard cut out and everything." "Wow you sure know how to embarrass a guy." "Well growing up with em you learn a few tricks." "Yeah Kenley would be the only girl in the house sometimes and we would have friends over and she would become one of the guys. But then she hit puberty and now she's all girly." "Gee thanks. I really wanted everyone to know that." "Hey your my little sister I have to embarrass you at least once." "You'd better sleep with one eye open tonite." "Yeah whatever." Luke just stood there amazed the whole time. "Problem Lukey?" "Nope you guys are just a good family. That's all." "Sure." I heard another car door shut. "Ben's here." "Austin, I'll go get him." "Kay." I wasn't sure if leaving Luke and Austin in the same room was a good idea but they seem to like each other. I ran outside and jumped on Ben. "Dude I missed you." "Missed ya too sis." "Okay I warned Austin too. There's a guy, Luke. He's sorta nervous so don't go hard on him." "How'd he find you?" "Haha funny I babysat his kids for a while." "Oh wow. One night stand. Great." "Damn, I knew you'd be a jerk. He just got divorced and has two amazing little boys, Bo and Tate." "Wow creative names." "Those are freakin nicknames." "Sure..." "They are. Seriously though, be nice." "Whatever." "Wait before you go in, how long are you gonna be here?" "I don't know but I think I'm moving back in and doing the rest of college online." "Okay. I was just wondering." He opened the door and Austin took his bags. Ben looked Luke over then whispered to me; "Is that Luke Bryan?" "Yep."

So how do you think everything's gonna go with Luke?? 😏😉

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