Chapter 73

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Chapter 73

Kenley: Once everybody's nails were dry we drove to the mall. I grabbed my purse then we walked into the stores. The first store we went to was Aeropostale and I bought a pair of sweatpants and a swimsuit. After that everyone wanted to go to PINK except LeClaire when she found out it was in Victoria's Secret. "There is no way in hell I'm going into that slutty store." Jordan just kept walking into the store with the rest of the girls. I sat out with LeClaire on a bench. "You can go in honey." "Nah I don't need anything." "Kay. Where are you going on your honeymoon?" "Not sure. I was thinking Florida but Luke wants to go to Alaska. I moved to Georgia because I hate cold. I'm not going there on vacation." "I agree. Who wants to be cold on your honeymoon?" I nodded my head and checked my phone. 10:37am. After I put my phone away Joslin came over and threw a bag at me then moved her eyebrows up and down. I looked over at LeClaire and she rolled her eyes. I slowly opened the bag. Inside was a lace red corset with a new bra. I looked up at Joslin and she bit her lip. Jordan and Kris came out of the store and showed us their matching sweatshirts. I looked at the racks and racks of really cute sweatshirts on clearance and I couldn't resist. I ran over and bought three sweatshirts with my gift cards. After we were done shopping all of us were hungry so we decided to get lunch. We drove around for a while until we decided on TGI Fridays. When we pulled in, there was hardly anyone there. We got out and went inside. I forgot my phone so I ran back out. I unlocked the truck and grabbed my phone. Then I felt somebody's hands wrap around my waist. "I suggest you move your hands or else." "What are you gonna do?" I recognized Luke's voice. "Might just have to love on you baby." "Ooh bring it on." I turned around so I was facing him and I gave him a smirk. He attacked my lips and started grinding his hips into mine. I leaned out and he pushed me up into the truck, climbed in himself, then shut the door and locked it. He climbed on top of me and moved his eyebrows up and down. "I'm not suppose to be thinking about you." "I'm not suppose to be thinking about you either baby girl. But I can't keep you off my mind." "Luke, I can't stop thinking about you. You're everything to me and I can't stand to be away from you." "Just shut up." He attacked my lips and rubbed up and down my thigh. I wrapped my hands around his neck then wrapped my legs around his waist. He started moving his hands through my hair. He put his hands on either side of my face and I leaned out and gently kissed his neck. He moved so I couldn't kiss him and lightly pecked my sweet spot behind my ear. I ran my fingers through his hair and smiled at him. He kissed me with tons of passion then somebody tapped on the window. "Shit." I muttered. Luke looked up and started laughing. "Who is it?" "Carter." I leaned my hand up and flipped him off. "The hell?" "Leave Carter." "Man, you're suppose to be inside." "I'll be in in a minute."


Uh oh... They're not supposed to be together... 😁✌

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