Chapter 90

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Chapter 90
Kenley: When we got down to the water I pulled my hair up into a high bun. Luke set our phones and our glasses in one of these lockers that you could rent, then he gave me a piggyback ride and we sat on the shore line so the tide rolled us in and out. Once most of the people left, Luke carried us over to the rocks and we sat on one of the big ones. "Did you have this planned all along?" "Well, yeah, I wanted us to have a good time." He pulled me into his lap and we started making out. Slowly and passionately. He would every once in a while he pulled on my bottom lip as he pulled out of the kiss. It was driving me insane so I got up and ran into the water. Luke sat and watched me so I ran back and pulled him in with me. We splashed each other then I swam closer to him and wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him. We swam back to shore then ran back to the truck and Luke pulled out towels and covered the seats with them. He pushed me in the truck then hopped in himself. He laid me down and climbed on top of me and shut the door. We made out and we almost started taking our swimsuits off until my phone rang. I sat up and grabbed my phone.
J=Joslin K=Kenley
J: Kenley where are you?! It's four! You're not here! We started showing the flower girls what to do already!
K: Sorry we'll be there in a few minutes...

She hung up so I threw my phone down and Luke started the truck and we drove to the spot on the beach where the wedding us gonna be. We jumped out then ran to the bathrooms and shared one so that if someone else had to go they could. I slid my dress on and Luke put on his stuff then waited for me. I touched up my makeup then Katniss braided my hair. I looked at myself in the mirror then kissed Luke. I laid my swimsuit down next to everyone's purses then ran over to Joslin. Luke stood across from me and kept smirking. Carter was whispering things back and forth with Austin and Ben kept smiling at Jordan. Til, Bo, and Tate were being watched by Kris until we needed them. Joslin had all this stuff figured out so we just kept our mouths shut and listened to her. Leclaire and Tommy were standing around Joslin, looking over her book of directions. Even though Tommy was gonna walk me down the isle, I changed my mind. Since my brothers gave up everything to raise me, they're walking me down the isle. Joslin was one of the bridesmaids so I took over her book as the bridesmaids and groomsmen walked down the isle. Luke came after them and seated Leclaire. After them, I handed the book back to Joslin and listened for directions. The pastor had arrived a few minutes before so he stood at the head of everything. Luke and him started talking about everything while Joslin was looking over everything. I designated Kris to be the flower girl/junior bridesmaid. She was pretty happy so I was good with it. Til was one a junior groomsmen so he walked with one of the bridesmaids to the front. Bo and Tate were the ring bearers and they walked behind Kris. After them, it was me. I linked arms with Ben and Austin and I started crying. This wasn't true but the idea of it hit me. I turned back around and ran for the bench by the bathrooms. I sat there for a few seconds until Luke ran up and sat next to me. "What's wrong baby girl?" He said as he pulled me into his lap. "It doesn't feel right. My daddy's not here to walk me down the isle. You're not supposed to walk with two people. You're supposed to walk with one. Your daddy." "Guess what? You have two brothers that think the world of you and couldn't live without you. And ya know what? They're here to walk you down that isle to me." I smiled then wiped away my tears. "Luke I don't know what I'd do without you and your pep talks." "I don't know what is do without you and giving them." We kissed then we walked back. Austin and Ben both hugged me then we all linked arms. We walked down the isle and Luke was starring at me. I shook my head then he snapped out of the daze he was in. I got to the end and Ben and Austin acted like they were talking to me then walked over by the other guys. Luke grabbed both of my hands and smiled the whole time. We looked into each others eyes as the pastor went through the speech. We got to the part where we say the I do's then Bo and Tate walked up like they had the pillow then stood by our sides. Bo stood by me and Tate by Luke. We pretended to slide on the rings then the pastor said, "now here's when you'd kiss the bride." Luke butted in, "I think we need to practice that." The pastor chuckled then just nodded his head. Luke leaned forward and gave me one of those gentle passionate kisses that made me weak at the knees. "EWW!" "Mommy that's gross!" Luke and I leaned out and laughed. Then we fake walked down the isle with the boys in front of us. We got to the sheets they had set up on either side of the walkway and Luke hugged me. The boys ran back over to the swarm of people and me and Luke stood behind the curtain. "Do you want me to kiss you like that tomorrow?" "Yeah but make it longer and more passion. And don't forget to pull my waist towards you." He stood and held my hands like we did at the front then let go, pulled my waist against him, and kissed me slowly and gently with tons and tons of passion. We leaned out and smiled. "Perfect. But tomorrow do something that I'm not expecting. Not something perverted because this will be our first kiss married." "Gotcha. Now when are we eating?" "In about twenty minutes. At that fancy country club." I winked at him then kissed his cheek. I walked back over to Joslin and tapped her shoulder. "Yeah boo?" "Can I see the list of the wedding court?" "Sure!" She handed it to me and I looked it over.

•Joslin (maid of honor)
•Kris (junior)

•Carter (man of honor)
•Til (junior)

I handed it back to her and thought about who else could be on the court. I don't really have any other close friends. Luke does, but Carter is like a brother to him so that's enough. I looked over the whole folder that I had made with everything in it and looked over the guest list. One name stuck out.

Caroline Boyer/Bryan

Uh oh...😁

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