Chapter 75

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Chapter 75

Luke: The nurses took Kenley on a stretcher down the hallway and pushed me away. I was pissed that they wouldn't let me go in with her. I ran to the receptionists desk and pounded on the top. "Sir, what do you need?" "I need to be in that room with my fiancé!" "Sir I have to make you wait out here until someone comes to get you." "But I need to see her now." "I'm sorry." I sat down and bawled. Not too long after, my mama, Jordan, Kris, Austin, Ben, Carter, and Joslin came to show support. About an hour later the nurse came out. "Family of Kenley Davis?" I ran over to her and we walked down the hallway. "Um let's go in here..." The nurse opened a door to a meeting room. "Take a seat. Now I checked Kenley's chart and history. She had a miscarriage not to long ago. Correct?" I nodded my head. "Did she have an attack then?" "What?" "Well Kenley has had anxiety attacks since she was ten. They happen when someone is overwhelmed or when something exciting happens." "Can I go see her?" "Yeah. Room 142. End of the hallway on your left." I nodded my head and ran to her room. I slowed down and slowly walked in the door. "Hey baby girl." She slowly smiled. I walked over to her and saw she was hooked up to an IV. I sat down in the chair next to the bed. "Luke I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I haven't had one since I was fifteen. I thought they were gone." "Baby don't apologize." I held her hand. The doctor walked in. "Miss Davis, I prescribed you a new pill that you must take everyday. Now you are free to go home with 24 hour surveillance by a family member. Oh and no sex for three days you two." I smirked at Kenley and she blushed. "Thanks doctor." "Anytime." I kissed Kenley on the forehead and went to go get the rest of the crew. Joslin walked in the room and shooed the rest of us out.

Kenley: Joslin came in and sat in the chair. "You okay babe?" "Yeah just anxiety." "You had me worried." "Trust me I was worried too." "Now I called Drew, we're done. But me and Carter are going on a date." She put on this huge happy smile, one that I hadn't seen in forever."Just warning you, those boys are weird. They gave me a sex test." "Ohh." "Yeah, can you have my baby come back in here?" "Sure sweets." Luke came walking in, he shut the door and undid his belt. I covered my face with my hands. "I missed you baby," he said seductively. "Nope nope nope." I still had my face covered and I heard his belt whip onto the floor. "No no Luke. You have to go sit in the corner." "Nah I'm good." He sat on the bed and moved my hands. I was blushing so much. He smiled at me and put a hand on my neck. "Love you baby girl." Before I could say anything back Luke gently touched his lips to mine. He kissed me with passion and I put my hands around his neck. The door opened but we didn't move. Joslin and carter came in and sat down. Luke and I continued to kiss. I could hear whispers. "Why are they still kissing?" "He's giving her some much needed love." Luke and I both smiled and slowly backed out of our kiss.


Who expected it to be a panic attack?? 😁😏


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