Chapter 13

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*This chapter is dedicated to @hailieparillo123 because she comments on every chapter and inspires me to keep writing! 😘*

Chapter 13

Luke:We got our clothes on and Kenley didn't know how to do her hair. "Just leave it, it looks beautiful darlin." "But Luke this is our first date, I have to look good." "I get that but you don't have to always do something with it. Pull it up in a ponytail." She went over to the mirror and pulled it up but didn't put the hairband in. Then she dropped her hair, then she braided it, then she did some funky braid I think she called a fishtail. Yeah I don't know. She left it in that fish thing and walked over to me. "Luke which purse? This Vera Bradley or my Coach?" "I have no idea who you're talking about but wear the flowered one." "Okay. Thanks babe." "No problem. Now I have to re-call for a lane." "Luke I'm sorry." "Nope you're fine." I hit the number as we walked out the door. I really like bowling cuz me and my brother and sister used to go before they passed away. So it will be something new for me to try with a different person I love. We got in the truck and about ten minutes later we got to the bowling alley. Kenley hopped out and she walked hand-in-hand with me. We got inside and we were the only ones there other than the worker. We went up to the counter and we grabbed the shoes we needed. Kenley walked over to a table and sat down to put her shoes on.

Kenley: I got my shoes on and waited for Luke. He was taking forever so I grabbed a 10 dollar bill out of my purse and went to the jukebox and put money in. Since you got two credits for a dollar I got to choose 20 songs. I instantly went to country and chose: hey girl, first love song, yeah I picked Luke Bryan music even though the man is with me, I picked it goes like this, get me some of that, whatever she's got, and a ton more. I walked back over to Luke and he handed me a five pound ball. "Do you think I'm a wimp?" "Never said that baby." "Why did you get me a five pound ball then?" "Okay here." He handed me his ball, it weighed like 20. "Thank you." It was my turn first and three of my songs had played. Next was first love song. I rolled the ball down the lane and it hit the center pin, then all but one knocked down. But one had rolled and knocked it. "Boo yah!" "Haha nice job. Now watch and learn." Okay so he was gonna be cocky. He bowled backwards and it went in the gutter. I started laughing so hard and Luke turned around and looked at the pins. Then he turned and looked at me. "You got lucky that time." He picked up another ball and when he was releasing the ball he stepped over the line and fell on his butt. "Luke!" I ran over and helped him up. He wrapped me in a hug then kissed me. Right then was when the song came on. Luke let go and glared at me. "It's my favorite song." "Well if you like it so much just ask me to sing it." "I will next time." "I say we get some food." "Sounds good." We got up and walked over to the food stand. "What do ya want?" "Pizza." "Okay what kind?" "Pepperoni." "Kay. We will have one pepperoni pizza." "Which size?" "Large." "Luke we aren't going to eat all of that." "I'm hungry yes we will." "Luke I have to go to the bathroom." "Okay I'll wait out here." I walked in and there was a teenage girl crying. She stood up when she saw me walk in. "Sorry to be nosy but what's wrong?" "My boyfriend dumped me." "Oh that's happened to me too. Is he here?" "Yeah," she opened the door and pointed at some guy making out with a girl. "He's the one kissing." "Here let me help you. Do you like Luke Bryan?" "Like? Love." "Okay well he's my boyfriend and would you want him to kiss you? No make out session just a kiss to make your guy jealous?" "Yeah!" "Okay I'll ask him. Now here, use my makeup and unbutton your shirt to show some cleavage." I walked out with my phone and went over to Luke. "Hey I need your help with somethin." I explained the whole thing to him and he said yes. "Now I told her no make out session but maybe put your hand on her butt or do somethin cute. On the lips and if she kisses back, you back off. Your still mine. Now she's really pretty and has a little cleavage so don't look down her shirt." "Kay baby but remember I love you and this kiss means nothing. Even if I do go a little crazy." "Luke be respectful she's just a teen." I went in the bathroom and grabbed my makeup. "Now Hun its okay if he touches your butt, I told him to." "Thank you so much." "Yep." She walked out of the bathroom and straight over to Luke who was standing by the cheating boyfriend. I winked at him.


What do you think will happen next??

Do you think Luke is gonna be nervous?

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