Chapter 80

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Chapter 80

Luke: *a week later* Kenley just finished her nursing degree so she's applying for a job next week. I found out that a month after our wedding I am going on tour again. Kenley's not too overjoyed with the whole idea but she understands that this is my job and this is what I have to do. Since last week when Kenley had her attack she's been on these pills that take every single bit of energy out of her so she hasn't done much lately except help move Joslin into Carter's place. I was cooking lunch downstairs for the family when I heard a huge thud coming from upstairs. "Kenley are you okay?" "Yeah babe I'll be down in a bit." I continued making the pork chops until I heard a thud again. "God damnit!" "What is going on up there?!" "Nothing." I ran up the stairs and peeked in the room. Kenley was in her closet throwing around bins of clothes. "What are you doing?" "Getting rid of all my clothes that don't fit my fat body." Side effect of pills- depression/no self respect. "Kenley..." "No Luke! Just shut up. I'm not pretty or any of the other crap you say about me." "Kay, I guess you can borrow some of my clothes for a while." I walked back downstairs and dialed her doctors number. "Hello this is doctor Marci's office." "Hey, this is Kenley Davis's fiancé. She's been very depressed lately could you give her a different medication?" "Sure can I have your name?" "Oh sure, Luke Bryan." "You have to be kidding me." "I'm not... I'll be there in ten minutes to pick up her pills." "Okay, whatever."

Kenley: I've been really depressed lately and I don't know what to do about it. Luke decided to grab me some different pills so I may get a little happier. When he got back he gave me the pills then told me the directions. "Thanks baby." "Anytime, now go take a nap and I'll be up in a few minutes to cuddle." "Okay but what about the boys?" "Austin can handle em." I went upstairs and changed into an old tshirt and a pair of pajama pants. I laid down in my bed and cuddled up in four blankets. Not too much longer Luke came up and changed into sweatpants and a sweatshirt. He laid down next to me and I curled up to him. "I love you Luke." "Love you too Kenley. I was thinking how bout when you get feeling better we go to a movie?" "Sounds great!" We both cuddled in to each other and fell asleep.

*next morning*

I woke up and all the boys were in our bed. Luke was on the edge and I was in the middle of Bo and Tate. Luke looked really uncomfortable and his hair was all messed up. I started running my hand through his hair and he smiled. "Morning Lukey." "Morning." I got out of the bed carefully and walked into the bathroom to take a shower and Luke was following me. "Hey now mister." He grabbed my waist and pulled me into him. "Can I join?" "The boys..." "Are downstairs with your brothers." "Luke I'm on my...thing." "What?" "My period." "Ohh. Can I?" "Just don't get too excited; that drives me crazy." I winked at him then got undressed and hopped in. He followed not too long after and attacked my lips. I leaned out and leaned away. "What?" "I stink really bad and I need a shower." "You don't smell." "That's cuz I've been dumping on perfume." "Ahh." Luke nodded his head then turned the other shower head on. He kept leaning back and lightly touching his butt to mine. "Luke I swear..." "What?" "You know what..." He turned around and had a smirk on his face then scooted up close to me with his hard guy part touching my waist. "Honey, I'm done." I got out of the shower and grabbed my stuff. I went and shut the door of my closet and got changed there. When I was done Luke came out naked and started walking around. "Thomas Luther get some pants on!" He walked over to his dresser and grabbed a pair of boxers. "Thank you!"


Sorry... Boring chapter...😁

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