Chapter 72

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Chapter 72

Kenley: After Luke left I did my hair and got ready for my bachelorette party day. Joslin bought my whole girl wedding party tshirts for us to wear around today. I put the tshirt on and a few seconds later Joslin came in. "Hey boo." "Hey babe." "Ugh seriously though why do guys always have to talk about sex or try to push you into having it. I mean seriously, I don't want to get pregnant." "At least you can get pregnant." "Oh boo I'm so sorry. I didn't remember to keep my mouth shut. Oh my goodness, I feel so bad!" "Don't. It's fine. We're adopting." Joslin wrapped me in a hug and then sat down on my bed. "So I made an appointment for all of us to get mani/pedis. Then after that we'll get lunch and head to the mall. After we're done shopping we will go get supper then head to the club." "Hold up. Luke's mom and nieces are gonna be there!" "Honey I know. Jordan is 21 and I got a VIP pass for Kris so it looks like she's there for the band since she's 18. See? All planned out." "Kay. Thanks." "Anytime." "Joslin? Why do these shirts have to have so much cleavage?" "Just yours. Yours has to have sexiness to it." I looked in the mirror and rolled my eyes. "You're lucky Kenley." "How so?" "You have a billion people who love you. I have none." "What?! I freakin love you!" "Okay. One." "Stop it! You have me, Drew, my brothers, I mean you're part of the family. You have all your friends in Chicago." "Okay okay. So maybe more than one." "Now lets go." *a while later* Everyone arrived at the nail salon and Jordan gave me a tiny little box and smiled when she handed it to me. "What's this?" "It's for you. I made it in some spare time. If you don't like it just tell me and I'll throw it away." I opened the box and inside there was a necklace with a gold key on the end. It was beautiful. "Oh my. I love it! Thank you!" "I'm glad you like it." "Ya know what? This will look amazing with my wedding dress." I put it back in the box and gave Jordan a huge hug. The five of us sat down in the chairs and the salon workers came over and soaked our feet. Kris, Jordan, and Joslin were having a conversation about nail patterns while LeClaire and I were sitting looking at the color sheets. "So Kenley, what color are you getting?" I pointed to a watermelon pink. "Ahh. I'm getting this one." She showed me the red she was getting. "Nice choice." I smiled at her but I still can't get the whole miscarriage thing off my mind. "Honey, what's wrong?" "Nothing." "Well there is because you've been messing with your fingers all morning and you aren't smiling like you usually do." "Okay, well Luke's the only one that knows. But I had a miscarriage about two weeks ago and I can't stop thinking about it." She wrapped me in a hug and patted my back. "Kenley, You really can't tell anyone this but before I had Luke I had a miscarriage myself and I didn't tell Tommy at first. I was really mad at myself and went into a depression. Honey, please come talk to me if you ever need any advise or just some girl time. Okay?" "Okay." "Now all you need on your mind is having fun today." I nodded my head and LeClaire reached over to my armrest and held my hand. "Thanks Mama Bryan." "For what?" "Being there for me." "Oh honey anytime."

Luke: Me and the guys left about a half an hour before Kenley. Nobody really had ideas what to do accept Drew so he planned out the day. Right now we're headed to a shooting range that's an hour away. The guys were messing with me playing Kenley's CDs of my music. So when they got to the crash my party cd I just sat playing flappy bird on my phone. Carter started laughing then grabbed my phone. Then I remembered the pictures of Kenley. "Carter give my damn phone back right now." "Nah just let me look at your pictures first." "Dude I'm not kidding. Give it." He just looked down at my phone and since I was sitting in front of him I couldn't grab it. "Aw man that picture of Kenley is hot!" "Wait, show me." He showed me a picture I took of Kenley blushing when we had gone out on one of our dates. I grabbed my phone from him then went through all my pictures. I have this one of Tate and Bo tickling Kenley. Carter put his hand on my shoulder. "You got a good life dude." "I know." A few minutes later we got to the range and I slipped my phone in my pocket. When I got out of the truck Carter was screwing around then jumped on my back. I ran with him on my back to the building then just about kicked him off. We walked inside and Drew picked up our guns. I grabbed the one I wanted and headed out to the targets.


How do you think their party days are gonna go?😝

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