Chapter 88

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Chapter 88

Luke: Carter, Ben, Austin, and me went to the reception hall and got the tables set up according to Kenley's floor layout. When we were about to eat lunch I saw Kenley and Joslin walk in. Kenley had a box of stuff and Joslin was pulling a cart of three boxes. They were laughing and talking and not even notice that we were there. She walked over to one of the buffet tables and set her box down. I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her neck. "Hey baby girl. "Hello Luther." She turned around and sat on the table. "I missed you." "I missed you much more." "I highly doubt that's possible." I leaned down and kissed her then looked over at Joslin and Carter. They were making out like crazy and it was getting pretty intense. I whistled then yelled, "get a room!" Kenley started laughing and leaned her head against my chest. Carter flipped me off and she started laughing really hard. "So baby girl, do you need any help?" "Yeah. Could you guys put out tablecloths?"

Kenley: I looked at all the guys and they nodded. I laid the box down and they went to town. After they got a few tablecloths on I grabbed the vases and table decorations for the tables. On each table there was a small photo album to keep as a favor. Once we got that done it was time to layout the table placings. I put my family one one half and Luke's family on the other half. I kept checking the chart to make sure that I wouldn't start any family feuds. Luke helped me switch around everything so it was perfect, then we set up the photo booth. I put the props in these barrels that I got then the guys put up the back drop. I laid the frames against the barrel then I looked at it to make sure we had all of the props. After that Luke and the guys set up the bar area and me and Joslin set up the kids' fun stuff. There were two little play cottages and some fake food and board games and little things that should keep the kids occupied. After I was done with the kiddie corner, I went to the gift table. I laid out the card box then put out the signature book. I stood back and looked in the card box. A card addressed:


I opened it and it had a white wedding cake on it then on the inside it was blank with tons of writing.

Kenley, I know I'm not going to be around to see you're wedding day. But I want you to know that you are a beautiful young girl already and I can't wait to see what you grow up to be. I know that your husband is going to be amazing because I know that you won't just settle on some punk that asks you out. I love you bugaboo.


I knew that's what she was writing in the hospital... I started crying and Luke came over. "Now what did I sat about opening wedding presents early?" He saw I was crying then pulled me into a hug. "Baby girl what's wrong?" "It's... It's from my... My momma." "What?! That's..." "Austin took it out of the wedding box..." I walked up to Austin and hugged him from the back. "I take it you read it?" I nodded my head. "Thank you." "You needed to read it. She wrote about a five page essay but I told her to summarize it." "I miss her so much Austin." "I miss mom and dad."

Luke: Once everyone was done setting up we went out for lunch and all our friends made me and Kenley sit at different ends of the table. "Come on guys, she's my fiancé!" "Boo hoo! You'll see her later." "Seriously Carter? You can't say much. Dude I'm sorry but it honestly seems like you're just taking advantage of Joslin." "Grow up Thomas!" "Come on Carter. Really?!" He stood up then I stood up. He pushed me and I pushed back. Kenley ran in front of me as I pulled back a punch. "Wedding Luke. Wedding." She turned to Carter and looked at him. "Carter please you guys are best friends." Carter sat back down but took Kenley's spot and Kenley took Carter's. we eyed each other the whole meal and I just wanted to have my truck here so I could get away but no... "Kenley, will you help me." "With what? I have to pick up the flowers and then make sure that the caterers are gonna be here on time and I just have a lot of details to take care of..." "I need you to um, help me with what cologne..." She raised her eyebrows then crossed her arms. "Kenley I want to be alone with you..." "Just ask me then." She smiled then kissed my cheek. "Hey Joslin? I left something in Luke's room so I have to go get it when we get to the hotel... But I kinda lost it so it might take a while to find..." "I get your drift go makeout love birds..." Joslin said it loud enough for the whole restaurant to hear. I looked at Kenley and she had covered her face. I grabbed her hand then lead her to get a taxi. We jumped in and I kept my hand in hers held tight.


I wonder why Luke wants Kenley to himself so bad...?

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