Chapter 21

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Chapter 21
Kenley: Luke left about midnight. Tommy is still awake and Luke kept texting me till about 12:15 but then he fell asleep I guess. So now I get to talk to Tommy. I looked around the restaurant and there was nobody accept us. "So Kenley ya like Luke?" "No, I love Luke. I know how Monday I had all my doubts about this whole dating thing but Luke makes me feel good." "Yeah, I can tell you make him feel good too. I mean I could see it through those jeans." I just blushed. "Yeah, he was excited at lunch too." "Sorry to be awkward but since we have a new topic, has he seen you naked?" "Yeah...twice." "Oh honey. He must really respect you." "Why do you say that?" "He would've had sex with you the first second if he didn't." "You think?" "I know. Plus if he brought you home, that means he really likes you. He's only done that with one other girl." "Caroline?" "Yeah... Does that subject worry you?" "Not really. She tried to attack him earlier... On our date!" "He said that you didn't have a date?" "No we sorta did. But then Caroline showed up and she threw herself on him. But then I kissed him, and then we got in a fight and never had our date. But he wanted an hour to make it up to me so we went back to my house and he played this song game with me, it was really romantic. And the answers to the questions were another question. Will, you, be, my, and girlfriend. It was adorable. And then we made out a bit. And we're gonna score a one on the board but then I realized I had to work. But maybe it was a good thing we didn't." I sorta frowned and Tommy rubbed my cheek, that made me smile. "Now important question." "Okay?" "Did he have a condom?" "He actually..." "What?" "He had one in his pocket." I blushed and started laughing. "That's my boy." Then we both were laughing. Tommy knows just how to cheer me up. "So how do you like the boys?" "Well actually, ya know how I took up a nanny job?" "Yeah?" "It was for Luke." "Oh. So you must like them then." "They are the best. Earlier Luke invited me to go to the waterpark with him and the boys. So I went and we went down a few rides and the first one the boys wanted to ride together. So I got to ride with Luke but he was acting awkward. Like I went to sit down and Luke pulled me onto his lap. So I smacked him in the head and he let go. But then I sat down and he kept scooting up to me. And at this point he was excited. So it was on my back and everything was really awkward and he was wrapping his arms around me but then I asked him to scoot back and then I guess that made him feel bad and he let go of me and everything. So I scooted back a bit and he wrapped his arms around me. Am I boring you?" "Nah it's just making me have a really good feeling about you two." "I have an if-ey feeling about us. I love Luke but he knows exactly how to drive me insane!" "Yeah he does that to people he loves. Now another awkward question? Do you want score number one with Luke?" "..." "I won't tell him. Unless he needs some sense knocked into him." "Yeah, definitely. I mean we were close earlier." "Good." "How so?" "You need it. Plus you love Luke so it's gonna be even more passionate. Now have you been stressed lately?" "No." And I crossed my arms. "Don't lie, let me see your wrists." I held them out. "Honey you gotta stop." "I know but I hate working here. And every time some stupid guy hits on me it makes me feel like an idiot, so I cut." "Okay new plan. You up for it?" "Maybe." "Every time you feel that feeling, kiss Luke. That makes you feel better right?" "Yeah but he can't be with me all the time." "So next time you see him kiss him. It will get you even more excited to see him." "Okay thanks. I'll try it. Hey Tommy, it's 4. Can you give me that ride to see the love of my life?" "Yep get your stuff and we'll go."

Another kinda boring chapter but it gets much better...(:

So here's the other update! I'm gonna be sorta busy tomorrow so idk if I'll have time for an update but I'll try!💕

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