Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

Kenley: "What? What's wrong?" "I haven't told anyone. You're the first. Kenley I seriously don't know how to tell you this but before mom died she did a ton of tests on us kids and one of them was fertilization. I know that sounds weird but you can't have kids." "You're kidding me right? How could they even tell?" "Well apparently mom had said something to aunt Katherine and she tested you when you were fifteen." "You're not serious right?" "I am. And if it makes you feel any better I probably won't be able to get anyone pregnant." I put my head in my hands and started crying. Ben came over and rubbed my back. "How did I get like this?" "I know it's hard." "Ben I wanted to have kids." "I know. You've been dreaming about it that's why it's so hard to tell you." "Why me?" "I don't know." "But... But... I need to have a baby." "There is one thing you can do." "What?" "You can try for about three times a week and if that doesn't work you can have surgery." "Does it work?" "Eighty three percent chance. Let me go get Luke." He ran downstairs and a few seconds later I heard heavy steps running up the stairs. Luke came in and I instantly started crying again. He came and sat next to me and wiped my tears away then wrapped his arms around me. "What's wrong baby?" "I... I can't have kids." "Are you positive?" "No cuz last time I was tested was when I was fifteen. So I'll call the doctor and ask for an appointment." "Okay. But I want you to know that if you can't I will still love you and we will adopt or something crazy like that." "Kay. I love you." "Love ya too darlin. Now wipe those tears and get your little fine ass downstairs." I half smiled and told him that I was gonna go to the bathroom.

Luke: I walked into Kenley's bedroom cuz I saw my sweatshirt laying on the floor. I walked in and grabbed it. As soon as I turned around I heard Kenley let out a shriek then heard crying. I knocked on the door. "Go away." "Please unlock the door." "No Luke go away." "I can't let you sit there and kill yourself. And if you don't open the door I'll pick the lock so it's up to you." She got up and unlocked the door. I walked in and wrapped my arms around her. "Luke stop." "Why did you do this?" I reached over and grabbed a washcloth then wetted it. I placed it on her wrist and wiped the cuts. "I don't know Luke it just seemed like a good idea when I started." "We'll as long as I'm here you won't be doing that. So hand over the blade and all of them." She grabbed the bag and slowly handed it over. "Thank you." Then she attacked me with a kiss. She let go and blushed. "What was that for?" "Your dad told me that instead of cutting I should kiss you. So I did." "That's a good idea. Especially because I love kisses." I put my hand on her cheek and I kissed her with all the passion I had in me. We stood there kissing which seemed like forever. But then Austin came walking in the room and tapped Kenley's shoulder. We both leaned out and she blushed. "Well that was awkward but when are we gonna go?" "Oh. Right. Movie. Um Luke, you can stay here if you want." "Okay I just don't want to be awkward especially because the boys are here." "It's fine. The toys are in my closet in a target bag." "Okay see you later. Love you." "Love ya too baby." "Go have fun!" "We will. Wait Luke?" "Yeah baby?" "Why do you keep checking up on me?" "Just because I want to hear your voice." "Luke..." "Okay, because I don't want you doing what you're doing right now." "And that would be?" "Cutting. I don't want to lose the love of my life over a razor blade. I just can't even start to think about what life would be without you..." I started tearing up but was trying to stay strong. "Luke, I have the same feelings about you. I don't know what I'd do without you either." Just then Bo came running in and grabbed my hand and pulled me downstairs. "Love you baby girl!" I yelled as I was being pulled downstairs. "Love you too Luther!"


Now y'all know why he keeps checking up on her!

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