Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Kenley: We pulled into his Mama's house and Luke went up to the door and greeted her then came back and grabbed Bo. He must have laid him down somewhere cuz it took him a while. Tate woke up when Luke shut the door. He gave me a hug and told me he wanted me to meet his grandma. "I don't know if your daddy would want me to..." "Please Kenley." This was one of the first times he talked to me today so I told him maybe and we waited for Luke to come back. I looked out the window and saw Luke coming back. Oh does that boy drive me crazy. Luke came walking shaking his hips and almost ready to start rubbing his crotch when I pointed back at Tate. He straightened up and walked normal. Luke came up and opened the door and said hi to Tate. "Daddy I want Nana to meet Kenley." "Oh I see. Is she your girlfriend?" "No! But she is the best babysitter ever though!" "Oh I see so you think she's Mama worthy?" "Definitely." I opened my door and Luke shut his. Tate hopped out with me. Luke asked Tate somethin and he nodded but I had no clue, until Luke scooped me up and carried me over his shoulder with my butt in the air. "Luke put me down." "Tate told me to." "Daddy's lying!" Great this is how I'm gonna meet LeClaire, with my butt in her face. Tate ran to the door and Luke slowed down. "Luke does your mom know about the divorce?" "Yep she helped me through it. So she will feel even better that I found a new girlfriend." "Luke? Did you forget to tell me something?" "Yep, you're my girlfriend, if ya wanna be." "Is that even a question?" "Okay it works!" He finally put me down in the doorway. "Luke ya know how you told me how you loved me?" "Yep." "Did you actually mean it or were you just trying to make me feel better?" "Baby I meant it." "Well, Luke I um I love you too." He wrapped me up in a hug and kissed me with passion. "You two need to get your butts in here." LeClaire scared the both of us. "Mama don't sneak up on us." "You're at my house and you don't tell me what to do." "Sorry Mama." "It's okay. Now introduce me to this beautiful girl." She lead us in and we sat down at the kitchen table. Tate ran over and introduced me: "Nana this is Kenley." "Well nice to meet ya Kenley. You must not be from around here." "No ma'm I'm from Illinois." "I've never been but I've heard it's tons of corn!" We all laughed. "Yeah most of it is unless you get up by Chicago cuz then there's all those suburbs. But I lived in a little tiny town called Annawan." "Oh yeah I've heard of it. Is that where you went to school?" "Yep. I still don't know how I wore maroon and white all those years." We talked for about another half an hour. "Hey Mama we'd better get goin. I have a date planned for us later." "Okay are the boys staying the night?" "If they, I mean if you want to keep em." "Sure, you two go have fun. Love ya!"


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