Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Luke: I put my arms around the teen's waist and touched her butt with one of my hands. I whispered, "are you ready?" "Yeah." I leaned down and kissed her, not a bit of passion. But it looked like it. I started rubbing her butt and looked over at her cheating boyfriend I let go and hugged her she walked off and I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and it was Caroline. She hopped on me and pushed me onto the table then wrapped her legs around me and started kissing me. I pushed her off. "What the hell Luke?" "We are divorced. Get over yourself. Oh and I got the boys." "Sure whatever they're brats. You can have um." I suddenly felt a pair of legs wrap around me and a head lean on my shoulder. I glanced back and saw it was Kenley. I leaned my head back and kissed her with passion. She kissed back and came over and sat on my lap. Caroline walked away. She got out of the kiss as soon as I added tongue. She turned to make sure Caroline left and smacked me across the face. "What?" "Luke you let her throw herself on you." "No I pushed her off." "Whatever. I'm done you're too hard. Take me home once the pizza comes out." "Whatever."

Kenley: The lady came out with the pizza and I took our shoes up to the counter. I mean we didn't even play a whole game. I swear if Luke didn't make me so mad we could actually do something together. I came back to the table and Luke had sat down and started eating the pizza. I rolled my eyes and decided that I was hungry so I ate a piece. I grabbed the piece and turned my back to him. I finished my first piece and turned for a second one and the box was gone and Luke had his back facing me. I got up and saw he had the box on his lap. "Seriously?" "Yep." I reached down to grab one and he closed the box. "Can I have one?" "Only if I get a kiss." "No." "Okay I'll just eat it then." "Kay you do that." This seriously got to me. I started crying and put my face in my hands. I felt Luke pick me up. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" I didn't move my hands from my eyes. I knew I definitely had runny mascara. Luke tried to lift my hands. I didn't let him. He pinched me on my hip. "Luke stop." He put me down then tried to lift my hands again. That time I let him but I buried my head in my lap. He grabbed my chin and pointed my face at his. "Luke give up I'm done with you I'm done with us." "Kenley I love you. I really don't care what you say they're just words. I will always love you." He started tearing up. "Luke don't cry." He started bawling. I took my hand and wiped the tears from his eyes. "Kenley I love you. I don't know what I would do without you." "Luke don't say that you've only known me for a month. I understand that you want to get over Caroline but you don't have to settle on the first girl you see. Luke I wanna go home." He picked up the empty box and threw it away. He came over and grabbed my arm and drug me out the door. "Let go of me." He let go of me then pinned me up against his truck. "Luke don't touch me." He grabbed my waist and gave me a passion filled kiss. I couldn't help but kiss back. He let go and smirked at me. "See if you didn't like me the slightest bit you wouldn't have kissed back." "I never said I didn't like you I just can't take the stress right now." He moved away from me and unlocked the truck. We both got in and he locked us in. I looked at him weird and he winked. "If you touch me I am getting out and walking home." He scooted up really close to me so I scooted back up against the window. I folded my self up and put my feet on the seat. He scooted so my feet were in his crotch. I put my hands out and pushed him away from me but I ended up pushing him over on his back and falling on him. He reached up and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into him. He kissed me but I pulled away so he kissed my neck. I tried to pull myself off of him but he pulled me in and flipped us around so he was on top of me. He started taking his shirt off and then grabbed the bottom of mine. I slapped him and he kept pulling so I tried to get up but he pushed me down. I started screaming. That didn't do a thing he started kissing me again. "Luke take me home."


Luke was definitely a bit too pushy...

What do you think is gonna happen between Kenley and Luke?

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