Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

Kenley: *next morning* I woke up cuddled into Luke's armpit. It's a little weird but at least his deodorant smells good. I got up and let Luke sleep. I put on my robe and threw the lingerie into the back of my closet. I grabbed a pair of boxers out of the drawer for Luke. The only boxers he wears are the really tight under armour ones. But hey, they're damn sexy. I went in the bathroom and took a shower then got dressed. After I pulled up my hair Luke woke up. "Good mornin beautiful." "Hello handsome." He got up and I threw the boxers at him. "At least put boxers on." "What you don't like it?" "Now baby, don't go crazy. I was just sayin that because my friend Joslin and her boyfriend Drew are coming over later." "Kay." He put on the boxers then I went into my closet to try and find somewhere to stash the lingerie, when Luke came up and kicked my butt. I turned around and glared at him and then he kicked me again. "You're getting it boy." I got up and he started running downstairs and I followed him. He started running down into the man cave when Austin was coming up the stairs from the basement. "Woah, dude. Cover up." "Yeah Lukey get your ass upstairs and get some freaking clothes on." As he walked by I smacked his butt and he turned and licked his lips. "Kenley, revenge is a bitch." I walked into the kitchen and poured myself a glass of milk. Austin came over and put his plate in the dishwasher. "You guys did it didn't you?" "Why would you say that?" "Kenley a week ago you wouldn't have even touched his butt or cussed around him." "What if I said we did?" "I'd be proud of my little sister." "Well we didn't just made out." "Good. Cuz I didn't wanna have to give you the pure till marriage talk." I walked off with a smile on my face and went into my bedroom. I walked in to Luke shaking his butt in front of the mirror. "Trust me baby, it looks good." "I know." "Then why are you shakin it?" "For fun." "You're so weird." "Thanks." Luke had on a tight pair of jeans and his usual navy shirt. I had on skinny jeans and a Bears jersey. I walked over to my phone and called Joslin. "Hello?" "Hey girly. What time are you gonna be here?" "What time is it now?" "10:30." "Okay, 11?" "That works." "Kay I can't meet to meet Luke." "Yeah, I can't wait to see Drew." "Well we'll be sitting on the couch crushing over each others boyfriends while they're talking guy stuff." "That's us alright and actually its fiancé. I can't wait to see you!" "Ooh give me all the details. I miss you like crazy." "Kay luv ya boo." "Luv ya too babe. Bye." When we got done talking Luke started kissing my neck out of nowhere. "Hey baby, my friend Joslin is staying here for a while so we are gonna have to clean up all these rose pedals." "But they make our room smell good." "You're so weird. I will buy a candle." "Kay it has to be one of those warm vanilla ones. Those things smell good." I rolled my eyes and gave him a kiss. He grabbed my wrists and looked them over. "One week with the help of you." "We're breaking that habit." "You bet." He poked my stomach and then started tickling me. He hovered over me and kept tickling me. "Luke...Stop..." "Nah, I'm good." He continued to tickle me but then Ben walked by. "Oh my gosh, stop. You two are gonna start making out and then only Heaven knows what else." Luke leaned off of me then we both sat up. Ben started to walk off when I yelled after him. "Ben?" "Yeah." "I call the downstairs tonite." "Why?" "Joslin plus chick flick marathon equals bachelorette party." "Oh my. Luke, me, Austin, and Drew are gonna have a bachelor party then." "Whatever floats your boat." Then Ben walked off to go plan their night. "Now Luke, do not come home with a hangover. And do not hit on any girls. If anyone throws themselves at you and you don't push them off we are through. Ya hear me?" "Gotcha. Now rules for you, no makeout sessions, no sex, no naked guys, and don't get a hangover." "Same goes for you. Now you guys will leave about seven. Okay?" "Kay. Do I need to run you to get movies?" "Yeah but let's wait till Joslin gets here." "Kay."


Do you think that both of them are going to follow the rules??

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