Chapter 55

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Chapter 55

Kenley: I just stared at the screen and looked up at Tommy. "Should I listen?" He nodded his head. I pushed talk and the message came on. "Kenley I'll be home soon. I don't know if I could live without you either. Please... (Crash)" I started crying and handed the phone to Tommy. He listened and smiled at me then teared up too. "He loves me." "You bet. Now lets get up there." We got in the elevator and went up to Luke's floor. I walked out first and saw Luke's door was open. I asked LeClaire if I could go in and she nodded with a smile on her face. I walked in scared, and noticed that Luke was off the ventilator. I walked up to him and rubbed my thumb across his forehead and down his cheek. I sat down then grabbed his hand and kissed it. I prayed out loud. "Dear Lord, please let Luke be okay. I don't know what I'd do without him. Please. Amen." I closed my eyes and leaned my head on the edge of the bed and looked at his face. "I love you baby." I squeezed his hand and he gripped on. "LeClaire, Tommy, Austin he just squeezed my hand." They all ran in and sat around the room. "Baby squeeze my hand." He squeezed it then popped his eyes open. I started crying and Austin went to get the doctor. Luke kissed my hand and smiled at me. "Why am I here?" "Well you got in an accident after I pushed you away at the bar." "Oh." "Yeah. I'm so sorry Luke." "It's not your fault I shouldn't have pressured you. It's all okay now. We're together." Then the doctor came in. "So it looks like you've woke up. Now I have to ask you a few questions. When is your birthday?" "July 17." "Are you married?" "Engaged to the bravest woman ever." I smiled cuz that made me feel important to Luke. Like I had a purpose. "Any kids?" "Bo and Tate." "Okay. Any siblings?" "Two. Both passed away." "Okay last one. What happened before the accident?" "Kenley and I got in a fight and I chased after her but I pressured her so I felt bad and left on my way to Tennessee. I got about a mile away from the bar and got a message from Kenley. I listened to it then called her back but there was no reply so I left a message. While it was recording I made a u-turn but swerved and crashed. Now I'm here." "Oh. Okay. Well Mr. Bryan it looks like you weren't in a coma you had just passed out from the shock. Which is very good because otherwise we would have to test many other things. Now we are going to keep you overnight and hopefully let you go tomorrow." "Thanks doc." Luke sat up and then the doctor walked out. LeClaire and Tommy decided to leave so they gave us hugs then left. I told Austin to grab the bag I had packed in case of an emergency. He had left to grab it so it was just me and Luke. "What were you doing in Tennessee?" "Going to see Carter." "Really?" "Yep." "I can tell you're lying. What did you really want to do? I promise I won't freak out." He rubbed his head then looked at me with sorry eyes. "Kenley... I was... Well I assumed we were over so I thought I'd go get drunk then hook up with a girl." I looked away then put my hands in my lap and started crying. A nurse then came in and unhooked Luke from everything then told him that he could change back into his clothes with help. He nodded his head then I looked away again. Austin walked in with two bags then I wiped my tears. I got up out of the chair and walked over to him and grabbed my bag. I laid it down next to the chair and threw Luke's bag at him. "Have Austin help you." I glared at him and and sat back down. Austin walked over to Luke and asked him if he needed help. Luke shook his head then Austin left. "What was that about?" "Your such an ass Luke. It's almost like you don't understand what you have until it's gone. I don't even care anymore. If you want to be changed I guess I could manage but I'm sleeping on that couch not with you." He nodded his head then got uncovered and I helped him walk to the bathroom and then he pulled off his gown. I helped him put on sweatpants then an underarmour sweatshirt over a tshirt. I walked him back to his bed and helped him lay down. I walked over to the chair and sat down then grabbed my phone. I opened up twitter and looked over at Luke. He was starring at me. "What?" "Get off your phone and get your butt over here." "Why?" "I want to cuddle." I rolled my eyes. "If you don't come over here I'll come get you." I got up and sat on his bed. He grabbed my waist and pulled me down into a laying position. My back was facing him and I really didn't feel like looking at him.


Another fight?

Is this argument gonna break them up?

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