Chapter 86

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Chapter 86
Luke: "Luke, would you take it offensive if all I wanted to do right now was makeout?" I leaned closer and pulled her into my lap without it being awkward and started kissing her. We sat in the water until it got a bit chilly. I jumped out and grabbed some towels then Kenley got out and I wrapped her in one. "Luke, I sorta want you... Are you prepared?" "All the time." She smirked and got dried off and I ran to my suitcase and grabbed protection. I ran back to the bathroom and scooped Kenley up and laid her down on the bed. We made out nice and slow for a while then she started grabbing my butt and I put on the protection. "You ready baby girl?" She nodded then pulled my waist towards her.
*a while later*
Kenley: We curled up under the sheets and kept kissing. Luke was a total gentleman tonight and I honestly don't know how to repay him. "Luke I love it when you're perverted. But I'm positive I love it even more when you're passionate and romantic." "I enjoy every time we make love. But maybe in the future we'll try for a baby?" I nodded my head yes but then tears started welling up in my eyes. "Luke I just don't want to let you down..." "How would you let me down?" "By my retarded body having a miscarriage." "Honestly, when you're ready to stop trying I'll stop. But until we reach that point, I'm gonna try my very hardest to get those things in there to make a baby. Ya hear me?" I nodded my head and smiled. "I love how you're trying to make this your fault..." "Well, it's no doubt an equal fault of ours that we can't have a baby." "Luke you can. You've had kids." "Really? I've walked around with one in my tummy?" I glared at him. "I'm messing with ya." I kissed him again then wrapped both of my legs around one of his. "Luke, I love you to infinity and beyond." "Oh baby I love you more than God even knows." I curled my head under his then rubbed my hand on his chest. "What happened to that 'v'?" He shrugged. "Too many lays..." He stuck his tongue out and me and I laid against him. "I almost forgot!" "What? How did you forget something? It's been perfect." He got up and ran to the fridge. He pulled out a container of something then brought it over. "We were suppose to have these while we were in the bath." "Oh well." I kissed his cheek then he opened the container. "Lukey I'd be up to another bath..." "I don't have anymore petals..." "I have bubble bath in my bag..." I smirked then he kissed me and jumped up. "Big pocket inside. It's orange." He grabbed the bottle then put everything in my lap then scooped me up. He started to run the water and poured the bubble bath in. I set the strawberries down on the little ledge then climbed in. Luke tried to dodge the bubbles, and sat next to me. He grabbed a chocolate covered strawberry and fed it to me and held it until I got to the leaves. There were six so we fed them back and forth then Luke got creative with the last one. "Come on now. Don't be discusting it's mine to eat Luther..." He out one end in his mouth then leaned up to mine. When I got to the leaves, we kissed so Luke thought pretty high of himself in that moment. "So Luke, you've proved to me how adorable you can be so I want to see this stuff on our honeymoon... Got it?" "Yep. I'm already planning. Now let me ask you this, when do you want to start trying for a baby? Before, after, or during my tour?" "Hmm, during would be fun. I've never done it on a tour bus..." "But here's the thing, there's a bus full of guys..." "Oh well. They're gonna know we did it anyway when I have my bump so what's your point Luther?" "Just didn't want it to be awkward for you..." "Thank you for caring." He kissed me again and then he turned on the jets so the bath was like we were in a hot tub. "Gawd, my friend is right on one of the jets..." "EWW Luke stoppp!" I covered my face and he started laughing. He pulled me onto his lap and I could fell the jet. "Oh my this feels weird." "I bet. Considering I'm not a girl..." He smirked then gave me a kiss. I fell asleep in his arms, in the bathtub.

Which side of Luke do you like best??☺

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